Chapter Four

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"So this ice cream, is the greatest I have decided" William announced, breaking the comfortable silence the group had fallen into. After the game, the boys found their way to Sara and Ivy, who then unveiled their plans for the day. Feeling hungry after the game, a stop for ice cream was the first stop on the tour of the beautiful city.

"Isn't it?" Sara asked, taking a bite of her own.

"I come here as much as possible" Ivy smiled, taking the last bite of hers.

"I can see why" Alex answered, finishing his off. It was a beautiful, sunny day in the capital of Slovakia. The sky was cloudless, the air was warm, and the was a soft breeze that kept the heat for becoming too much.

"Thanks for taking us on this tour" William looked to Sara and Ivy. "Nothing beats getting to know a beautiful city than being shown around by two beautiful girls" he winked at the last part, and Sara snorted.

"Laying on the charm awful thick there, eh?" She asked with a smirk. Elias snickered beside William, who looked lost for a moment, before regaining his composure.

"No charm, just stating facts" he shrugged, looking around him. He could sense it in the air; the attraction between the people he sat around. Alex to Ivy, and Elias to Sara. For whatever reason, they were nervous, afraid to go for it. Since that was the case, William was willing to stir the pot, if you will, to get things going; even if that meant being a fifth wheel.

"Ready for a walk around the river?" Sara asked, as the group finished up the delicious ice cream.

"Sounds great" Elias smiled, and Sara could hardly contain her blush, as well as her excitement.

"It's adventure tiiiimmmmeeee!" She shouted to Ivy, who couldn't help but hold back her laughter.

"It's not like we're working right now, Sara" she pointed out with a giggle.

"I know, but we can still have adventure time" she pointed out, and Ivy nodded in agreement.

"What's adventure time?" Elias asked, slightly confused.

"Oh, it's just kind of this thing we do..." Sara trailed off, looking to Ivy for support.

"Trying to make the volunteer work more fun, you know? We like to say we're going on an adventure- because it kind of is. Never know what we'll be up to" Ivy explained, as they all walked towards the river. It couldn't have been a better day for a walk; it was wonderful.

"That's a good way to look at it" Elias commented thoughtfully, and Sara grinned proudly.


They spent the day walking around the capital city, making a few stops for pictures along the way. Elias and Sara walked ahead of everyone, seemingly in deep conversation. They knew they must have been in a deep discussion, because when they took a left turn instead of continuing straight, the two didn't seem to notice; and that was fine with Ivy. She was happy for her friend, and she was happy to spend the time with Alex... and William. Though hanging out with him was not part of the plan, she couldn't help but be entertained by his antics. He was a funny man, and very over the top.

They walked some more, before Ivy decided to take Alex and William to the Medical Garden; which was absolutely breath taking, in her opinion. She was about to turn around to tell the both of them about it, when she noticed William was gone.

"Where did he go?" Ivy asked, confused but also happy; here was the alone time she craved from Alex.

"Mumbled something about having to go back to the hotel" Alex shrugged, and Ivy nodded. In truth, William had left him alone with Ivy purposely; he was thankful, but now grew nervous.

"It's always beautiful here" Ivy gestured around her.

"It's even more beautiful with a beautiful girl showing me around" Alex blurted out, before turning red. Ivy blushed, before looking to Alex with a grin.

"Taking notes from Nylander, are we?" She asked with a wink.

"Only if it's working" Alex stated with a smile.

"It's working" she laughed, as they continued to walk. After a bit they decided to take a seat, and Alex turned to Ivy with a mischievous grin.

"How about a game? Twenty questions?" Alex asked, and Ivy nodded.

"Sure- you first" Ivy told him. She always had a hard time to come up with questions to ask.

"Favourite ice cream?"

"Easy- mango" Ivy replied.

"Good choice. Favourite meal?"

"Wait, isn't it my turn?" Ivy asked, laughing.

"Oh- yeah I guess it is" he blushed, and she laughed. "Or you can answer your own questions too, that works"

"Okay... for ice cream I would say mint chocolate chip. Meal is definitely my moms chicken carbonara" he mused. Just the mere thought of it make his stomach grumble.

"Yum, that sounds delicious" she grinned. "When I went to Toronto- I had this poutine that was amazing" she gushed, remembering the trip she had taken a few months prior.

"Oh, you went to Canada?" He asked, and she nodded excitedly.

"Yes, it was an amazing trip. We went to Ottawa, saw the senators play... not the team I cheer for but still cool nonetheless. In Toronto, we saw aquarium and CN tower..." she trailed off, realizing she was rambling.

"I've never been to the CN Tower" Alex three in, before diving into his next question. "Favourite song?"

"That's always a loaded question" Ivy thought hard, and tapped her chin. "Right now a favourite would be If I can't have you"

"Shawn Mendes?" Alex asked, and she nodded.

"He's not bad," he shrugged. "My favourite right now is For Those About to Rock" he grinned, and Ivy thought for a moment.

"Isn't that the Columbus Bluejackets goal song?" Ivy snorted, and Alex laughed, smiling so brightly Ivy was swooning.

"You bet" he laughed. "Favourite hockey team?" He asked, and she bit her lip before replying.

"Chicago..." she trailed off with a laugh. Alex scoffed, faking offence.

"Well, then..." he trailed off, and Ivy laughed.

"Favourite player?" Alex asked, and Ivy bit her lip again.

"Patrick Kane..." she trailed off, and Alex looked at her in mock disappointment. He shook his head, tsking her as he did.

"What's so great about him?" Alex asked, and Ivy laughed.

"Favourite city?"

"To visit? Chicago" she smiled brightly, and Alex just looked At her, enjoying her bright grin. "What?" She asked blushing, after he had been holding her gaze for a moment too long.

"You just have a beautiful smile" Alex complimented her, and she continued to turn a million shades of red. "Reminds me of the sunshine"

"Thanks" Ivy smiled, and the pair continued to swap questions, laughing and learning about one another. Before they realized it, it was approaching dark, and Alex had to be back at the hotel.

"It's been a great day" Alex thanked Ivy, who stood next to him with the biggest smile. "Thanks for showing me around the city, it's beautiful" he gestured around him.

"Anytime, I had fun today too" she thanked Alex, who looked at her, thinking a million different things.

"See you around the rink, maybe?" He asked hopefully, wanting to see her again.

"Definitely" she confirmed, with another smile.

"See you later, sunshine" he said in a soft whisper, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek before heading into his hotel.

Ivy stood there for a moment, trying to process everything that had just happened; was this real? Did she just go on a date with Alex wenneberg? Wandering back to where she said she would meet Sara, she knew one thing; she couldn't wait for the rest of the tournament.

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