Chapter Twelve

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The crowd stood up and cheered, team Sweden heading directly to their goaltender who had kept them in the game all game long, and was a huge reason behind the success of the team not only in the finals, but all along the way.

Ivy and Sara stood up, clapping and cheering a long with the other fans in the crowd, as the Canadians looked downcast, defeated and disappointment, matching their fans.

"I can't believe they won!" Ivy exclaimed with a grin. "I can't believe William out of all people scored the game tying and game winning goal" she also added with a smirk. "Incredible"

"I can tell you with certainty what team I'll be cheering for also next season" Sara laughed, counting all the teams she was going to be watching closely over the next season. "Oh, man, I'll literally never have a moment without hockey if I watch them all" her eyes were wide, and Ivy simply laughed.

"It's bittersweet, isn't it?" She asked Sara absentmindedly. "Volunteering could be such a pain, but I had such an amazing tournament with you, overall. I wouldn't have wanted to do this with anyone but you"

"Awh, Ivy" Sara smiled softly, pulling her in for a hug. "I wouldn't have wanted to have adventure time with anyone else" she added with a smile.

"Can't forget I wouldn't wanna sing baby shark do do do do do do,"

"Let's forget about that, please and thank you" Sara cut her off curtly, and Ivy laughed, becoming saddened by the fact it was over.

"I'll never forget about it" Ivy grinned, and despite rolling her eyes, Sara nodded in agreement, feeling a little emotional.

"I won't forget about it either"


William Nylander was the games hero. After tying the game up, he potted another short into overtime to give team Sweden the gold medal. The feeling he had was surreal; he couldn't believe he had done it.

It had been a disappointing year for the young winger. Not being able to start playing until the beginning of December due to contract negotiations was hard on him, his team, and the fans. He came back and wasn't himself; he wasn't the William everyone knew he could be.

But this tournament proved to himself he hadn't lost it; he still had has game, and he couldn't wait until next season to prove it.

"We fucking did it!" William shouted, and got his teammates cheers in response. The team all celebrated for awhile, before heading to centre ice for handshakes, and presentation of the medals.

Alex couldn't believe he got to be a part of something like this; it was what he always had dreamed of.

"Way to go, buddy" Alex patted Nylander on the shoulder, who proceeded to pull him into the biggest hug he could.

"And we did it right in front of your girl" William added with a wink, and Alex was glad his face was already red. "I can see you blushing"

"How did you-?"

"Don't worry about it" William winked, looking into the crowd. He was searching for Ivy, and found her quickly in the crowd, sitting close, in her usual seat with her friend Sara. He skated over to the bench, and whispered something to one of the trainers, a smirk on his face. He wasn't certain of much, but he was certain of one thing; Alex and Ivy were great together.


"Excuse me, miss?" Ivy was torn from her thoughts by the trainer of team Sweden.

"Yes?" Ivy asked, surprised. What was the trainer doing in the stands with the fans? They had just handed out the medals and team Sweden and the families were celebrating on the ice.

"William would like you two to come on the ice" he smiled, still feeling a little strange for telling the two girls the message William had asked him to relay.

"I- uh, that's weird" Sara looked at Ivy, who looked equally as confused. The trainer had walked away, and they found themselves following him.

"I wonder why he wants us to..." Ivy trailed off, before her mouth opened in surprise. She realized what William was trying to do, and she found herself grateful.

It was a short tournament, one which Ivy was certain she would never forget. She never thought she would meet someone as amazing as Alex, and she certainly didn't think Sara would meet someone amazing like Elias. Not only the two of them, but she found herself falling into a fast friendship with William; who was quickly becoming a confidante.

It was in that moment that she realized something. Life was short; too short, maybe. There were few things in life that were certain, and few things that weren't. She was living the best way she knew how, and she now knew what she needed to do.

"I bet Elias wants to see you" Ivy smirked, and Sara blushed, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah" she couldn't keep the smile off her face. "It's surreal, you know? I can't believe this tournament is over..." she trailed off, feeling a tad emotional. It was time for the boys to go home, and to resume their normal lives. Sara would be lying if she said a part of her wasn't afraid of what the future held.

"I know..." Ivy trailed off, catching Alex's gaze. Sara saw that she had made eye contact with Alex, and disappeared into the crowd, looking presumably for Elias. "Where did...?"

"Ivy!" William yelled over the noise, embracing her in a hug. Ivy laughed, pulling a sweaty William in for a hug.

"Congrats!" Ivy yelled back, and he beamed. "You had an amazing game! Incredible!"

"Thanks!" William yelled, the smile never leaving his face. "There's someone who wants to see you" he wriggled his eyebrows, gesturing over to alex. She blushed, and he smiled wider. "Go get em"

She walked away from William, seeing Alex, with an identical grin on his face. Knowing exactly what she needed to do.

"I'll come to Columbus" she blurted out before Alex could say anything.

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