Last chapter

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It's been a year. Shit happened. And long story short, Margret was born. She's a year old now and her full name is Margret May Rodgers, and my name is Cheshire Rodgers. And Jay's is Jay Anthony Rodgers. Margret has a tail, like me, but that's all we know for now.

"Hey, I'm going to meet Tony, you guys need anything?" Steve calls out.



"Nothing honey."


Steve closes the door and heads to our old, rusty truck. He leaves and I go to the sewing machine, finishing the new blanket I was making for Jay.

Speaking of Jay, he was 16 now, and acted like a teen. He finally made friends, something I've wanted him to have forever. I was so proud of him. Life was good so far, Clint and Natasha stopped by the other day to say hi. I missed them. I wondered about Tony and Pepper, and Rocket, and everyone else. Damn I missed them.

Margret babbled something and I turned to look at her.

"Hey baby girl." I say, working on the blanket.

"Gab-hawab!" She squealed and giggled.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask her, and she waves her little fist in the air. "Nice!"

"Hehehehe!" She laughs and turns to color some more.

I missed my friends, but loved my family, and life was amazing. I loved it. I was married, had two kids, and a house. The world had gotten a little bit better, so things where ok. I liked it.

I don't know about everyone else, but things where good for me.

That. Was. The. Last. Chapter. In. This. Book. I hope y'all liked it. FYI, I already started the sequel and it's coming out soon, with the first chapter 1,000 words. This book now has 100 likes and I would like to thank y'all for your support. The next book is called: Margret May Rodgers (Cheshire pt 2) so be on the lookout, I think I have 200 words on it so far, and it DOES CONTAIN ENDGAME SPOILERS so be careful.

I love you Llamas!


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