Chapter: 18: Little Talks

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James currently resided in Edward's bedroom. Since they didn't plan for James to be staying yet, they hadn't planned a room for him.

So here he is falling asleep in Edward's bed. Edward himself insisted on sleeping on the couch because of "hormones can kill you". He scoffed at that and really wished he could be held again in Edward's embrace, aka he wants some damn cuddles. James heard a stiffened laughter and then a awkward cough as Edward opened the door and walked in, sitting on the edge of the bed. His golden eyes were gleaming with warmth as he stared at James.

"So, I can't sleep in the same bed as you. I haven't had sex in........ oh shit wait. I was never in a relationship in life...."
"Wait a minute! Edward Cullen is a virgin and I'm your first relationship?!"
"Jeez did you have to reinforce the idea of my siblings shipping us. Anyway on a more serious note, Carlisle asks that I take you out tomorrow and show you everything about us."
"Ok... but I at least want you to hug me until I fall asleep. My dreams are rancid with nightmares of late..."
"Of course, I've seen one or two of them before... I'm worried about what they mean. No matter what though, I'll stay by you, even in death. Also if I mess up in our.... relationship please tell me. I don't want to be one of those vampires who mates hate their guts."
"Edward. Nothing you do can make me hate you. Least of all trying. I accept the fact I love you. It's sudden but yeah.... I'm pretty sure I haven't ever felt like this."
Edward smiled and leaned in, James felt the kiss coming before it happened. It was like fire and ice, cold lips passionately but calmly kissing fiery and savage lips.

Soon James felt as though time had slipped him a roofie because now he felt himself against Edward's bed, hands being held above his head as Edward took his time inflicting loving bites on his neck, not enough to draw blood, but enough to leave marks. The absolutely amazing smell of vanilla was in the air as he and Edward were locked in a duel for control, which ended with James on top of Edward, hands still being held together and way to much grinding for a first day. As if on instinct Edward's eyes shot open and suddenly he was gone, James was lying back on the bed and it almost seemed as if it never happened, save the numerous marks across his body from Edward's teeth and touch.... a few hurting more then others.

On the bright side he learned Edward was a power top.

Several hours later

James woke slowly into the smell of vanilla and light pouring into the room, Edward's white sheets almost covered both shirtless guys. He soon felt comforted by the fact Edward was snuggled up with him, pretending to be asleep. Then Edward's eyes opened with a sarcastic smirk.
"And here I was thinking I was the mind reader."
"You are, I just do it better."
"But your not better at things then me..."
"Is that a challenge Cullen?"
"Only if you plan to walk out of this room without a few broken bones and a fractured ass Swan."
"I'm guessing it's about noon... we've got maybe 10 more minutes before Carlisle busts in here and tells us to get up."
"Cuddles Edward. Cuddles. I like my ass not broken."
"If you insist..."
Edward laid his head back down and James cuddled up to Edward, laying his head on his shoulder again.
"I had a dream... not a nightmare this time..."
"Was it about me? Because I saw a very.... Lewd dream about me and handcuffes."
"Oh.... really I dreamt that? Was I the one cuffed?"
"Yeah, it was a very..... descriptive dream. Then their was one were you played tag with Emmett. And he beat your ass."
"Of course he did. Emmett isn't going to play fair, especially not against me."
"Yeah but you know... he uh... did do other stuff."
"What did he do....?"
"Uhmmmmm. Well.... it involves all three of us."
"Wait.... oh god did I really dream about THAT?!"
"Hey the mind of a very sexual gay teen cannot be controlled. I don't blame you, Emmett is very hot... I'm actually a little flattered you like me as much as you showed...~"
"And what does that mean?!"
"Nothing. Nothing at all."
"Edward... your gonna have the worlds most awkward boner if I don't get my answer."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Oh I would. I can leave you fully loaded and with no one beside your trusty right hand."
"Ok fine..... you uuhhhh...."
"Come on spit it out."
"Let me go multiple times for like... 8 hours straight."
"Woah shit. My dream was 8 hours long?"
"9 if you include the one hour you spent letting Emmett dominate you."
"Can we like... never speak of this again."
"Deal. I'd rather forget about my brother getting off inside my boyfriend."
"Damnit Edward. That is the one and only time I will ever allow you to say that sentence ever again."
"And what are you gonna do. Get that one guy that can stop me? What's his name, Michael Mcdoesnt Ex-"
"Alice, Esme, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie."
"You just anti'd my joke dear. That is unforgivable."
"Bite me."
"Been there, done that."
"Fuck you in particular Edward."
"Could, would, and should."
"I'm getting up now."
"Nooooooo.... more pillow talk?"
"It's noon Edward and I have to pee. Plus I'm really hungry."
"Ok fine, I'll get my shirt on and go make you some of Alice's blood drinks for you."
"Thanks hun."
"Love you too Asshole."

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