Treasured Alter Egos

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      To my Treasured Alter Egos,       

             In the four corner territory owned by 51 apprentices inside the campus, there are legion of memories to be reminisce, hilarious events, and love being shared around the atmosphere.

               It never crossed my mind to meet people like them. I don't have enough courage to find one not because I never had but I am sick of introducing who I am, what happened in the past, and who left me behind. We all deserve to meet colleagues who will ask how was your day. We tend to get stressed out about the hard-headed mates, well, they are what I mean. 

               Oftentimes, I find myself wondering what did I do from the past that makes me deserve all of you? 

               Allow me to succumb my emotions because frankly saying, I do really miss all of you! You guys taught me what boon companion really is, and probably I won't be able to survive without encountering a beautiful souls.  I admit that there are some of you I can't stand with, but there are most of you that I have grown to love in everything in me. You came into my life and changed the way I looked up to things--- you all make me better and you didn't even realize it. The simple moral support you gave me has a big impact. We can not oppose to the fact that we have really to say goodbye, to the things we are used to do, our Grade-10 daily routines. It seems like  yesterday, we are that scared freshmen wandering around the hall but now we still walk around that hall but with the thoughts of how fast the time is. I know you already loathe seeing my face for four years straight! But that years, it feels like, it's not enough. If only time won't move. Diversely, I know I have a special place in your heart. 

                Goodbye to this chapter of our lives. It's not the last goodbye we have to share with because we are growing and it's not getting slower. 

                But let's not forget how the classroom divides into a more than 5 of group of friends. Or the times when we have our individual activities that turns out to be a groupings, the answer of one become the answer of all. Oftentimes, there is Suan, Albarico, Alinio, George who would do corny jokes about Ma'am by saying she is about to arrive and all of the class suddenly become quiet but it turns out there is no teacher is about to come. How can I not remember the K-Lovers inside the class? Shout out to you Jalaine, Shania, Ivy, and Rallos, I guess. 

                Please always remember Marjorie, Isabel, Nenet, Novemm,  Jenierose, Almera, Randy and Lycca who just enjoyed the best out of their lives, they enjoy yet they are still on the Honor list. Our school won't won in the field of sports if we don't have Janice, Ronel, Shiela and Villaflores. The group of girls who always shine because of their jaw-dropping beauties and that includes Justele, Zelka, Shenna, Shiela, and Maria. 

                 We have the loveteams and even ex-lovers. 

                 The math geeks who are George, Aljeval and Octoberey. A people who I honestly admit that made me happy sometimes, they are Lazaga, Ronel, Trisha, Ende, Rubillar, Rubelyn, Sapa, Ian, and Jiezel that remains in the corner even if there is no teacher. To Rhealyn who happens to be the new cast of the Jupiterian journey actors. Kidding aside.

                 Please send my regards to Jeolin, Soriano, Enguito, and Picpic because I have no update where they'd continue their senior years. And also, to Nathan who has this cartooning skills. My journey in high school won't be complete if I don't make mistakes, in order to face that I need to be notified and I am thankful enough because I have Rachelle, Kim and Jeremea. To the most bEhAve boys I ever met, Layan, Laresma and Jhunil. To the most quiet one, Omandam, I miss you amboy, joke. To the sports writer, Guinsayao. 

                   The Iron Lady we know inside the class, our adviser, don't let your bad emotions grow because she is proud for all of us. 

                  Never change yourselves to see your worth because who you are now is what I want to see in the future. We are strong to face the struggles we had in MAPEH and to our Science project that didn't function. To the money we wasted, to the stress you gave me. It's all worth to be reminisced. In order for you to behold your soul, see yourself in front of an object the reverts reality penetrating the other side of the world—the mirror. 

                  Look how wounded we are. Look how devastated we become. Look how far we've gone through. Let's aid it with the greatest love from God, pick up your lost puzzle and start re-tracking your direction. Being lost is part of life, because it's a way of finding ourselves as well as the purpose why we came into existence. Love your own worth, and believe that you deserved the best. Never let any single person come in to your life and make you believe that you ever have to be more of anything because you're already more than all of us combined. I may forget your names but the memories we made, it's all treasured. 

                                                                                                                                        Love... TheGirlBehindThatPen

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