Chapter 1: Welcome

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I was anxiously waiting by the gate. We were getting a new cow today and I was very excited. "Oi! Y/n!" I turn around and see a smirking Osomatsu. "I know you're excited but we need your help." He says and I whine "do I have to?" He flicks my forehead and smiles "yes, look you can go help Choromatsu inside if you want. You're hot on the face." He says "oh..okay then." I say before walking inside.

"Choromatsu." He looks over with a hum "do you want any help?" I ask and he nods "Do you mind helping me organize the eggs into their containers?" I shook my head "not at all. Here I'll do half." I say before walking over to help. "By the way did you have fun this afternoon?" I ask with a smile and Choromatsu blushes before looking up. "What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing~ just the fact that I saw you two."

Choromatsu blushes hard and sunk in his seat. "You did? How much did you see?" He asks and I smirk "hm well..I saw you kissing before Osomatsu pinned you to his bed. I left to my room after that." I pause "didn't matter though because I could still hear you two going at it." I smirk and Choromatsu groans "Hey this is a learning experience. You learned not to do that stuff unless you're absolutely alone." He hums and I smile

"And I learned not to eavesdrop." I say with a smirk "Eavesdrop?! Y/n!" I giggle before turning around "what I couldn't help it. I live a house of 6 men and almost all of them have boyfriends. It's..interesting." I say and quickly wipe my bloody nose. "Y/n! Choromatsu! Come here!" I hear Jyushimatsu yell and I rush out to see Totoko driving the trailer. I rush over to greet Totoko.

"Totoko! Hello!" I yell as I ran and she smiles. I hug her and she smiles before pulling me back. "So you ready to meet him?" She asks and I nod along with my friends. She opens up the back "Come on out. Don't be shy." She coos and I tilt my head until a shy face peaks out. I smile and walk over making him flinch and hide. "Oh don't hide. It's okay." Totoko says and I nod

"She's right. I'm y/n and you don't need to be so shy. I'm friendly." I say holding out my hand and again a shy face peaks out before a shy hand extends to take mine. I help him walk out and his ears folded slightly. Aww he's shy. He looks so adorable. I think and smile as I look him up and down. "Wow. He looks great." I hear Todomatsu say and I nod with a smile.

"He sure does."

He blushes and folds his ears even further back. "So what's your name?" I ask and he smiles shyly "K-Karamatsu." I smile and nod "nice to meet you Karamatsu. Here let me show the barn you'll be staying." He nods and follows close behind as the boys talk with Totoko. I open the door and lead him in. It was a normal barn but we added a simple bed for him so he could be comfortable.

"It's not much but it's something right?" I ask and he nods "it's..g-great." He says and I smile "Well I hope you'll be comfortable Karamatsu." I say and he hums. I walk up to him and pet his head.

"Welcome to the family."

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