Chapter 7: Affectionate

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The photo above was drawn for me by SnowflakesSunsets
I really appreciate the drawing and I love it. Thank you so much, it is an amazing drawing and I love your drawing style. Again thank you, I am really grateful.

It was another day where I would be collecting from Karamatsu. He was hesitant because of what happened that one time but with my reassurance he calmed down. He continued to stay calm as I want through the usual process. When I was done I scratch his head "you did great Karamatsu. Good job sweetie." I coo and he hums as his tail wags behind him.

He stood up with me and hugs me, nuzzling his face against mine. I smile and set him down on his bed to lay down. He sat up with pleading eyes and I smile "Don't worry. I'm not leaving yet." I say before laying down beside him. "Come here." I say opening my arms for him. He smiles and crawls over, snuggling up to me. I wrap my arms around him and he nuzzles his face into my neck.

I hum and kiss his forehead "I guess it's safe to say that I need to make this apart of the routine huh?" I ask and he hums "could you please?" He asks and I nod before kissing his cheek. "If this is what you need me to do after collection then I'll be happy to do it." I say scratching behind his ears making him hum before moving to lay on top of me.

He looks up at me with a smile "Thanks y/n." I nod and reach one hand down to scratch his back. "No problem hon. I'm happy to help." He leans into my touch before looking at me with a blush. "Y/n?" I hum and he nudged his nose on mine. "Yeah?" He blushes "I..I love you." I smile and pet his head "I love you too Karamatsu." I say before he shyly pecks my lips. I laugh softly at his shy behavior and pull him into a kiss. As expected he kisses back shyly.

I was tending to my garden and giving my flowers water so they wouldn't wilt. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist. I smile and turn my head to see Karamatsu with a shy smile before pushing his face into my back. "You need something Karamatsu?" I ask and he just nudges his head on mine. So after placing the water can down I turn around and hug Karamatsu.

He hugs me tightly and nuzzles his face into my neck. I smile softly and scratch his lower back. He hums and kisses my cheek. He reaches a hand up to scratch my head and though it didn't have the exact same affect on me it did feel good.

I pull his face away from my neck and have him face me. "You seem very affectionate today." I say and he blushed lightly "yeah..s-sorry." I felt my heart clench "aw honey, it's okay. I don't mind." I say before kissing him softly. He blushed hard when we pulled away. He hid his face in my shoulder while I pet the back of his head.

It was night and I was fast asleep in my bed. Now I'm a light sleeper some nights and a heavy sleeper on other nights. Tonight was one of the days that the slightest noise or movement could wake me up. So when I felt the covers lift slightly along with the bed dipping beside me I woke up. I woke up with a start but calm myself when I saw Karamatsu. That didn't mean I wasn't confused.

"Karamatsu? How did you" I cut myself off when I saw my window was open. "Oh..that's how. But why? Are you okay?" I ask and he nods before looking down with a blush and folded ears. "I..I felt lonely.." he says quietly and I smile "aw sweetie." I coo and pet his head "it's okay. Everyone gets lonely sometimes..tell you what I'll let you stay here tonight okay?"

He perks up and nods making me laugh softly before I lay back down. Immediately he snuggles up to me and holds me close. I wrap my arms around him and pet the back of his head. "I really love you y/n...Thank you for everything." I smile as his tail wraps around my waist and hug him even closer "No need to thank me. I love you too Karamatsu." I say and kiss him softly before we drift off to sleep.

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