Chapter 6: Trust

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I felt shattered. Karamatsu couldn't look me in the eye anymore and was back stuttering when he would talk to me. What I didn't want to happen happened. He didn't trust himself. He was worried that one day he wouldn't be able to control himself. It broke my heart that he was so hesitant to be around me. To a normal person this may not be a big deal.

But I really liked Karamatsu. I liked that we had built this trust in one another and now it just felt different and awkward. Honestly I liked him from day one but when he had made that flower crown I knew that I really really liked him. I still have the crown. It was pressed between the pages of one of my books.

After weeks of him being scared to be around me for a long time I had enough and wanted to fix it. So after milk collection I had him face me. "Karamatsu..please talk to me..look at me at least." I say and he looks down "Kara please. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me and you certainly wouldn't force yourself onto me. I trust you. Can you please just trust yourself?" I ask and he looks at me sadly.

"But..But I basically forced myself onto you..not knowing what I was doing...had you not stopped me...what could've happened..scares me" he pauses and tears up "I would never want to hurt you or force you into anything!" He wails and I pull him into a hug "sh~ sh~ honey it's okay~ you didn't hurt me nor did you force just surprised me." He sniffs and nuzzles into my neck.

"Please stop avoiding me Karamatsu..I trust you and I want you to trust yourself...I really like you and I don't want you to be scared to be around me." I say as I pet the back of his head. He pulls away and shyly looks at me. "Y-You like me? Why?" I smile and simply say

"you fascinate me."

He blushes and I smile kissing his cheek. "You're cute and an absolute sweetheart. So yes I like you." He look down and smiles shyly with a blush "I l-like you too..I r-really really l-like you." I smile and kiss his forehead before wiping his tears. "I'm glad. You feel better Karamatsu?" I ask and he nods before kissing my forehead softly.

"Hey I'm going to do something but don't get to flustered, okay?"

He nods with a confused look. I lean in and peck his lips. He blushes before wrapping his arms around my neck and shyly leaning in to kiss me softly. He pulls away and hid his face in my neck. I laugh softly and pet his head, scratching lightly. He hums and nuzzles my neck while leaning into the touch.

It took a little while before he could fully be comfortable to be around me again but I was okay with that. At least I told him how I felt and he felt the same way so that was good enough for me.

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