Chapter 3: His Past

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We had a problem.

Ichimatsu went to talk with Karamatsu about providing milk yesterday. Apparently Karamatsu freaked out and got really scared. What was worse was when Ichimatsu would step forward to explain and ask why he was so scared Karamatsu would immediately back up with a terrified look on his face.

He was currently telling me all of this because I hadn't been here for it. I had been working a late night at the store and fell asleep right when I got home. So I was just now hearing about it now. "Was there anything else that happened?" I ask and Ichimatsu nods "he calling for you and at one point I tried to pet him to calm him" he trails off "and what happened?" I ask and he sighs

"He flinched back covering his face."

My heart dropped. No he couldn't have way.. I thought before sighing "I'll call Totoko and talk to her about this." I say reaching for my phone and he nods. I head outside to make the call. It rang like twice before Totoko picked up.


"Hi Totoko. Can we talk?"

"Hm? Sure what's up?"

"It's about Karamatsu" I pause looking over at the barn. "Where did you get him?" I ask and she hums

"Well he was a rescue."

"...a rescue?"

"Yes, He was brought in by this family about a month ago."

"Oh..was he in good condition or no?"

"Hmm not exactly. He seemed to have some trauma and the family who brought him in didn't really know what happened. They just knew that his previous owner was cruel." I nod with a hum

"Well thank you Totoko. Bye."

"No problem. Goodbye."

I hung up and walk over to the barn. I walk in after closing the door and walk over to Karamatsu who was laying on his bed. He sat up probably because of the sound and turns around. He smiles and I saw his tail sway happily. "Hey Kara. You doing alright?" I ask and he nods. I hum and sat on the bed beside him. "Ichimatsu told me about yesterday." I say and his smile faltered.

"And I called Totoko...she told me some things but not everything." He looks away and rubs his arm. I place a gentle hand on his cheek "Kara. Sweetie. What happened to you?" I ask and he looks down before turning to me, head down. He let out a sigh before speaking.

"My old home..My old owner...both were not nice." I nod and listen to him "he would chain us up....he barely fed being me and another boy cow and girl cow...he used these machines and they hurt." He placed a hand on his chest "it still hurts a little...but he would also hit Dawn, August, and even me if we didn't behave..though he hardly hurt me." I stare at him in shock but he continued. "He'd force Dawn into breeding with August."

"W-What if that failed? Would he give up?"

Karamatsu shook his head and I saw his hand clutch the bed. "Would he force you instead?" I ask and he again shook his head. I thought for a second. He had said there was only the three of them. So who else would he..oh..oh my god. I cover my mouth "he didn't." Karamatsu hums "he did...many times.." I held his hand "I bet that must have been hard to watch huh?" Karamatsu gulps and nods

"After a while I was able to escape. I tried to bring Dawn and August but they told me to save myself and not worry about took so much for me to leave..I still feel terrible." I reach a hand up to hold his cheek and have him look at me. He looks at me sadly and lays a hand on mine, leaning into my touch. "But then..then that family found me and brought me to Totoko..took forever for me to trust the family and even more for Totoko..and then I found you...with you it took less time for me to trust you."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you but you know that we would never treat you like that." He nods and I smile "You're safe now Karamatsu." He tears up and nods " saved me." He says and I nod "I guess we did." He shook his head and hugged me tightly. "You saved me. Oh my god you saved me." His voice was shaking as he had started to cry.

I smile and felt tears come to my eyes as I hug him back. "That's right..I saved you. Sh~ sh~ it's okay. Everything is alright." I say as I rub his back and softly scratch his head. He hiccups before leaning into my touch.

Oh how I wish I had known about his past sooner.

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