Chapter 11: Victor

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"Thank you! Have a good day!" I say as a customer left the store. I let out a sigh and place a hand on my baby bump. I was now 5 months into my pregnancy and I was pretty proud of myself. As days pass Karamatsu would get more..protective of me. He would always be by my side when I was at the farm and would always ask about how I was when I returned home from anything, especially if it was a doctor's appointment.

One of those doctor's appointments I found out that I was having twins. Another I discovered it was a boy and a girl. Karamatsu would also sleep with me in my room more often, keeping his arms around me at all times. I wasn't bothered by it. It was actually sweet that he was being this way.

Another man(pic above) came up to the counter with a few bottles of milk. I smile slightly and shake my head "I swear his product sells like crazy." I say to myself and the man chuckles "yeah, it must be pretty good then." He says and I nod "it is. He was so nervous the first collection but now he is much more calm." I say as I ring him up. "Nervous huh?" I hum with a nod. "Why?" He asks and I pause.

"'s a little personal. sorry I can't say." I say while trying to bend over for a bag "oh I don't need a bag if it's a struggle for you." He says and I stop "you sure?" He nods and I stood myself back up. "So how far long are you?" He asks and I smile "5 months and that'll be 4.50." He nods and hands the money over. "Thank you, have a good day sir." I say with a smile and he smiles

"Hope we see each other again very soon."

My smile falters a bit but I just nod and wave goodbye as he leaves.

"Why did he say that? And why say it in that way?"

I was at home now in my room with Karamatsu. We were on my bed with him laying beside me, his head on my baby bump. I was taking in the peaceful silence as I pet Karamatsu's head. "You excited Karamatsu?" I ask and he nods with a smile before kissing my belly. "I'm very excited. I can't wait to see them, to hold them and to care for them." I smile and held his face up to mine.

"I love you Karamatsu. You sweetheart." I say and kiss him softly. He smiles and kisses back "I love you too. I love you so much." I smile but hum as I saw a car pull up. I hum in confusion "Karamatsu. Can you stay here for a second honey?" I ask and he nods "okay. Why?" He asks and I sit up with his help. "I just have to go check something." I say and he nods sitting on the bed. I smile and hand him my sketchbook. "I drew some new pictures for you to look at." He nods and I kiss his forehead before heading out to the living room.

When there I saw that it was the guy from the store talking with my friends. "You again?" The guy turns around and extends a hand "Hello again. Pardon my intrusion. My name is Victor Evans." I nod and shake his hand "it's okay, I'm y/n l/n. What brings you here?" I ask and Jyushimatsu spoke up "He says he has a business proposal for us." I raise an eyebrow and turn to Victor.

"I'd like to buy that cow of yours."

I froze and I felt my friends tense up. "Um no. He's not for sale." I say and he hums "you sure? I can pay 10 thousand for him." My mouth drops open "Uh n-no. No amount of money can convince me." I say and he turns to my friends who shook their heads "you can't negotiate with us." Osomatsu says and the others nod. "And I say no. I'm sorry but for reasons I can't sell him to anyone." Victor had this annoyed, angry look for a second but went back to smiling but I saw it. "Surely we can negotiate on the price." I was going to say no again but then I heard footsteps. I turn to see Karamatsu.

"Hey y/n, I wanted to ask about this one..picture.."

He froze and I saw him staring at Victor. "Oh yeah, Karamatsu this is Victor he was just...visiting." I say and saw Victor smile "hello Karamatsu." Victor says with a smile and I saw color drain from Karamatsu's face. Which concerns me because I was use to him being shy or nervous around people he didn't know but he seems absolutely terrified. "Oh he looks scared. Is he okay?" Victor asks and I nod "he may be nervous. You okay Karamatsu?" I ask and he shook his head, backing up, before running off back to my room.

I excuse myself and rush to my room. Now I know something's wrong. He wasn't just nervous. He was petrified. I walk in and didn't see him at first until I saw him under my bed. I peek under the bed the best I could and see that he was visibly shaken, holding his head in his hands. "Honey Why did you run away?" I ask and was a little worried about the answer. He had finally gained courage and confidence but now he was back to being timid and scared.

"Y/n...remember when I mentioned my old home? old owner?"

My eyes widen and I glance at the door before turning back to him. "No. That's him?" I ask and he nods with a whimper. "Oh honey." I reach out a hand to hold his face only for him to take it into both of his hands. "Please don't let him take me. I can't go back there..I c-can't." He whimpers before tears left his eyes. I reach my other hand out to wipe his tears "sh~ it's okay." My eyes form a glare "I won't let him take you." I say in a cold tone

"come on out honey. I'll protect you." I say and he shyly comes out from under the bed. "Now you can stay here or you can come with me." I say and he sighs "I'll come with you." I nod and we both walk out. To see Victor trying to convince the others who weren't budging. "Oi! Victor!" I shout and walk over. He turns around and I had a hard glare.

"Get the fuck out my house!" I yell shocking my friends because I only yelled when I was really angry. "Such language. I was just making an offer to-" I cut him off "Uh Uh. I don't want to hear it! He is not for sale and never will be! He isn't an object! He is a part of this family! So take that offer and shove it up your ass! He a part of this family and always will be!" I shout before pushing him towards the door.

He looks at Karamatsu before glaring and turning back to me with that icy cold glare. "This isn't over y/n l/n." He whispers before leaving and I growl softly before shutting the door. I huff and walk up to Karamatsu who was in shock. He snaps out of it and hugs me. "Thank you" I hum and rub his back. I'll be honest what Victor said scared me and I was happy Karamatsu didn't hear it.

Once everything settles down again I explain to my friends why I was so angry and they understood. They were also a bit angry after my explanation. I took Karamatsu back to my room and stayed there as I comfort him.

Deep down I knew victor was right.

This is far from being over.

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