Vinnie Vincent Volunteers At The Animal Shelter-Chapter Three

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Vinnie was on his way to the local animal shelter.

He was going to volunteer to help with the rescued dogs and cats so the staff there could have better service.

Because of all the commotion, all the dogs were happy and a little bit out of control.

I was surprised to see him.

Although, he didn't know me personally, I guess any nice and kind KISS and Vinnie Vincent fan would be considered trustworthy to him.

I even wore a yellow colored KISS t-shirt to the animal shelter.

"Hi Vinnie"!

I called out to the ankh warrior cheerfully.

"Oh..."! "Hi".

He must have looked like he was startled or something.

"Did I scare you by accident"?

Vinnie smiled and said:

"No, it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong".

Just then, a few of the rescued animals ran up to Vinnie Vincent.

He backed up against the wall and the dogs barked excitedly and jumped on his legs.

"I think they want you to play with them Vinnie".

I giggled and he chuckled as he gently patted the friendly canines.

"Here dog"! 

"Come back here"!

A man and a woman dressed in blue jeans and t-shirts ran up to us.

They quickly put the pet leashes onto their collars.

"It's okay, they won't bite you".

I laughed and gave the dogs a gentle stroke on their heads.

Vinnie then went to go to talk to the front desk employee.

"Oh yes, right this way sir".

The employee led Vinnie to the manager's office.

She was sitting at her desk writing down some stuff on a piece of paper.

"Hi there, are you looking volunteer at the animal shelter"?

The lady shook hands with the ex-KISS member.

"Vinnie Vincent, is that correct"?


"Oh my gosh, I thought I recognized you. My mom was a huge fan of you back in the 80's. And she introduced me to your music when I was a teenager".

Vinnie's eyes lit up with joy.

"Wow, thank you". It's so nice to hear that from someone".

He shook hands with the person.

"Anyway, we're currently allowing some friendly animal loving volunteers to help us out here with the rescued dogs and cats. We have to give them a bath in the early morning when we all arrive here at 5:30 a.m".

Vinnie, the employee, and the manager that ran the animal shelter talked for a few more minutes.

I was walking down to the where the cats and kittens were located.

The friendly rescued dogs were still following me.

I then saw the most amazing sight.

A whole bunch of five week old kittens were playing with each other in a pet pin.

I squealed softly with excitement.

I then ran back to find Vinnie.

"So, how have you been lately"?

The female manager asked him, and then she gave Vinnie a cup of coffee.

"I've been doing great and I'm trying to put on a show for the fans, but these people that promote the show are not very cooperative".

She then kindly asked Vinnie if he had any pets at home.

"Oh yes I do. I've been rescuing dogs and cats since the 90's".

"Wow, that's amazing".

"I had a dog named Christmas that I rescued from a Tennessee incinerator".

"Aww, how cute".

Just then, I stopped running and was trying to catch my breath.

"Hey Vinnie, you have got to see this"! "It's a whole bunch of kittens".

I politely asked him if he would follow me to the area.

When he agreed, I jumped up and down for joy.

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