Prank On Me-Chapter Fifteen (KISS x Reader)

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It was just after three o'clock in the morning when all of a sudden, I felt a huge amount of excruciating pain in my stomach.

I held onto my abdomen and then tears began running down my face.

Vinnie and the Fox came into my room.

"Baby, what's the matter"?

The Ankh Warrior held me in his lap, but that didn't help.

"I think I'm going into labor"!

I screamed in horror as the pain increased.


Eric Carr shouted.

Vinnie put his hand on his mouth in shock and then the rest of the KISS family came running into my room.

"She's going into labor"!

Tommy and Eric Singer were quick to run to the bathroom for a bunch of towels.

They began to help me get ready, but something wasn't right.


The Starchild yelled as he held my hand and I gave it a squeeze.

Vinnie was on his knees as he could not bear to see me like this.

Minutes turned into hours, and still no baby.

Gene was telling me push harder, and I was sweating so much, it made the bed sheets wet.

Out of nowhere, Bruce Kulick came in through the door.

He had been sleeping at home with his wife when the Fox drummer called in a desperate tone of voice.

He watched as I cried and cried until my eyes were red.

"Wait a minute guys"!

Everyone including me, stopped what they were doing.

"She can't be going into labor, remember the no birds and the bees rule"?

It was true.

I had always told the KISS guys that sex was off limits for me.

Paul Stanely found brownie crumbs in the front of my bed,

"This is what she had for a snack before she was ready to turn in for the night".

Vinnie finally snapped out of his tramatic state and then took a small sniff.

He nearly dropped it in surprise.

"Somebody has snuck pot inside the brownies".

I gasped in shock.

Vinnie sat down beside his love on the bed and gently rocked her back and forth as if you were soothing an infant.

In the end, nobody ever figured out how the brownies caused my severe stomach ache.

But just after everything was over, Ace and Peter quietly snickered to themselves as they both stepped outside so they wouldn't wake anyone up from their slumber.

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