I Am NOT A Child!-Chapter Nine-(Paul Stanely X Ace Frehley)

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Paul and Ace were making out on the bed when I happened to walk by.

"What the heck are you guys doing over there"?

Ace grinned sheepishly and Paul just covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.

"We're just foolin around with each other, ain't we Paulie"?

The SpaceMan pecked him on the cheek.

I rolled my eyes at them.

"That definitely is not the thing for me".

I turned around on my heels and walked away.

"Hey hey hey, we're not finished with you yet"!

Paul Stanley hollered out.

I ignored them and Ace teleported me back to the bedroom using Earth's gravity.

I grabbed a few pillows and hit Paul in the head.

"Owwww"! "Stop hitting me like that"!


Gene had heard everything and he went to go see it for himself.

I was kicking and making such a loud fuss.

A carton of orange juice was knocked over off the table and it was spilled all over Ace's shirt.


He used a little bit more force and pinned me to the mattress.

While Ace went to the bathroom to get cleaned off, Paul held me back so I couldn't get away.

"Ouch, she bit my arm Ace"!

Ace soon teleported back to the bed and he grinned playfully as I made a face at him.

"You need to have "the talk" child".

Paul said to me like a gentle mother.

"I am NOT a child, dummy"!

Ace held me in his lap and Paul held onto my leg, smiling lovingly at me.

"We're not talking about sex, right sweetie"?

He smiled at Paul, who giggled like a schoolgirl.

"Have you ever noticed that the guys in Motley Crue are more "intimate" than usual"?

I nodded my head.

"Well, me and Paulie are falling in love with each other every day, so we're bi-sexual, as in terms of loving guys and girls at the same".

I felt a chill run down my spine when Paul traced his finger down my leg .

"We just want you to understand, baby. There's nothing wrong with being gay, transgender, or even lesbian".

I noticed that Ace had gestured for Peter to come into the room with us.

"Gene doesn't mind at all about our relationship, and he completely understands about everything".

Peter was holding my arm against his face and then he began kissing it.

"So, if you end up falling in love with a pretty girl, we're all not against it".

After all that, Ace and Paul were both getting imitate with me and each other at the same time".

"You'll get used to it after a while". "And besides, we still have an attraction towards our special girl".

Ace laughed and so Paul and Peter.

I giggled and ticked the Catman's nose with a feather.

He let out a tiny sneeze and we all laughed.

"So, what about Vinnie"?

I asked them.

"Oh yeah, he's been telling us that he has had his eyes on you since he was in the band during the 80's".

"Can we invite him over for a sleepover"?

They all lit up with excitement.

"Wow, that's a good idea"! 

Ace pressed his mouth against my cheek and he blew on it.

I laughed and he hugged me.

"I'll tell Gene and we'll call him and the rest of the guys".

Soon, after a hour, the rest of them arrived at the KISS mansion.

Vinnie saw me coming downstairs wearing a beautiful black dress.

He hugged me and I giggled playfully, kissing him on the cheek.

"So uh...how have you been"?

"I've been great, and I heard that you've had your eyes on me for a while now".

The thin Ankh Warrior blushed heavily and he slowly nodded his head.

I immediately pulled myself closed to his chest and pressed my lips to his soft mouth.

 Vinnie felt his heart soar and he deepened the kiss even further.

Everyone began cheering and clapping their hands in applause.

"We're so proud of you, baby".

Paul gave me a hug, and so did Ace and Peter. 

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