Eric Gets Sexy-Chapter Seventeen (Eric Singer Oneshot)

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I was up early in the morning before the band was awake.

I sneaked into Eric Singer's room where he was fast asleep.

He wasn't wearing anything either.

All of a sudden, he let out a fart.

"Oh my god, Catman"!

I whispered softly in surprise.

Eric immediately woke up and smelled the nasty odor.

"Sorry...I must have ate too many tacos last night for dinner".

He let out out again.

"Eww"! "Go use the bathroom so you can flush out your system".

I pinched my nose in disgust.

Eric ran to the bathroom in a hurry, forgetting that he was still naked.

I giggled at that and after about fifteen minutes, he came out feeling much better.

"Aw, you look so hot when you have nothing on".

Eric's cheeks immediately turned pink as he looked down at himself.

His small little 🍆 was dangling out from his crouch.

"I really should put on some clean boxers".

He went and got a pair out from his drawer.

I watched him as he put them on.

Eric was grinning playfully and I pounced on him.


He said as he landed on the bed against his back.

KISS ONESHOTS (5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora