You're A Good Kitty-Chapter Fourteen (Peter Criss x Reader Oneshot)

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It was just after breakfast that I sensed his presence.

Peter walked into the living room, feeling the need to be loved.

I turned around and smiled at him.

"Hey Catman, what's up"?

The older man simply wrapped his arms around my waist area, moving his hands up my belly.

"I want to play, how bout' you, kitten"?

He smiled and let out a happy meow as I blushed.

Peter stuck his hand up my shirt, feeling my nipples.

"Nothing but sweat pants and an old shirt"?

I looked up at him, and he licked my knuckles with pleasure.

"No panties either"?

The Catman deeply inhaled my scent and I giggled playfully.

"Want to play in the bedroom, Kitty"?

He grinned and nodded his head, the jingling of the bell on his collar made a sound.

Peter carried me to his room and locked the door behind him.

"Time for round one..."

I stretched out my arms and he licked my bellybutton.

"Take it off for me, and we shall begin my dear".

He had a seductive purr in his voice.

I watched as he threw his clothes off of his body and then he gently clawed at my shirt and pants, which were the only things I was wearing.

"ME-ow...what beautiful skin you much fun to..."

I surprised him by pressing my lips to his sweet kitty cat lips.

We both gently collapsed onto the mattress as we kissed.

I wrapped my tongue around his and he meowed with satisfaction.

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