Rakutan The Parrot-Chapter Ten (Eric Carr x Reader)

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Me, Vinnie, and the Fox were in the pet shop so we could all get the perfect pet.

The store owner was nice and all, but she was really peppy.

"I am a clever boy"! "Coo coo"!

Vinnie was looking at all the snakes.

And the Fox...well...

...he did not like them to say the least.

"Eeeeeeekkk"! "It's touching my ass"!

A female yellow and white boa constrictor slithered up Eric Carr's rear end.

He squirmed and wriggled around as the store owner carefully unwrapped the snake's coils. 

"Fox, you're so silly". "It's only a baby snake".

Vinnie snickered as he held the snake on his chest.

He felt a intimate moment with the legless reptile.

The Ankh Warrior decided that he was going to get this one.

I gently petted it's back and the snake flicked out it's forked tongue at me.

Eric Carr was in the hamster aisle.

"Aww, it's so adorable"!

He gushed.

A white hamster was moving along the exercise wheel.

I laughed and he did the same while making a funny face at me.

Vinnie was very happy to have his own pet snake who had curvaceous body just he did.

"Here some food for your new pet"!

The pet store owner said cheerfully.

And she gave Vinnie a clear package of dead rats.

"Eeewww, that's sick"!

He made a disgusted face and stuck out his tongue.

We all laughed and moved on.

Then, I saw the most beautiful thing in the world.

He was red, green, and yellow.

"Pretty Polly"! "Pretty Polly"!

Eric Carr smirked playfully at the gorgeous bird.

"Ohhh My God"! "Look Vinnie"!

The Ankh Warrior walked to where I was.

"My god, it is beautiful, isn't it"?

I decided to adopt the parrot.

And Eric Carr was going to get the furry white hamster that he really liked.

It also came with a cage and a hamster ball.

"His name will be...Zippity".

Me and Vinnie laughed at the funny name.

"Mine is named Rakutan".

I said, gently stroking the parrot's chest. 

"And mine shall be named Angela".

Vinnie replied back.

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