Paul Stanely Rescues A Pretty Girl-Chapter Five (Reader X Starchild Oneshot)

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I was walking towards 23rd Street where the busy people didn't seem to have a care in the world.

Paul Stanley happened to see me all by myself while he was getting coffee for him and the rest of the band.

I was almost too shy to look at him in the eye.

That young girl is really beautiful.

I wonder if she'll hang out with us?

As he walked out the door, he saw a group of strangers confronting me.

"Hey there baby, want some crack"?

I shook my head no and started to speed walk away from them.

One of them grabbed my hand and I let out a loud shriek.

 I bit his finger and he howled in pain.

Paul Stanley ran towards the scene to help me out.

"You idiots are selling drugs to an innocent little girl? God, you're sick".

He took my hand with his free hand and led me away from the bad guys.

I was still a little bit shy.

When we got to the recording studio, Paul called out for Ace, Peter, and Gene.

"Good lord, what's happened to her"?

Peter was how shaken up I was.

"She was confronted by this group of idiotic strangers and they tried to sell her drugs".

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