Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I woke up to find myself chained up on a cold brick wall and all around me torture weapons, it looks to be some kind of dungeon. I hear footsteps getting close and I pretend to fall asleep. My body becoming limb. I then hear two sets of footsteps close by then a metal door open. The two people enter the room and close the door.

I heard one laugh then say "what should we do with her master?" It sounded female. "I think we should make her look all pretty" said a male voce. I heard the female giggle and say "isn't she one of the killers who lives with Slender in his mansion?" I heard him reply "yes, but nobody has seen him or the monochrome clown since that Hunter shot the girl a while back in the woods" then he chuckled "why don't we make her look beautiful for them?"

I then feel my skin on my arms being peeled off and I scream in agony. "Your awake i see" the male says. I open my eyes and see the man has black pants and a grey hoodie with dark drown hair and hazel eyes. The female has vanilla hair a grey dress and some black flats. they were pealing the skin from my arms using a knife and there hands.

I started trashing around trying to brake free. After around one minute of trashing around the chains on my left hand broke. The two people stopped what they were doing and stared at me wide eyed. I giggle insanely with a psychotic grin plastered on my pale face.

I remove the other chains and the two drop the weapons and slowly back away. I lunge at the female and rip her apart limb from limb. I then turn my head while straddling what's left of the woman and look at the man. He starts screaming and I lunge at him. I rip the skin from his face and collar bone and rip his head off.

I walk to the door and kick it down. I walk out of the room and go down the long hallway till I'm met with the familiar halls of the asylum.

(I'm so so so sorry I haven't been uploading lately, I've been so busy and honestly I haven't hade the time. So I made this chapter short but the next one I will try to make longer, I will try and make a new chapter within this week and next week, hope you enjoyed)

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