Part Three

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Destiny was smoking cigarettes at the age of fifteen and was with a guy named Devontae, but we called him Dee. They were in a pretty good relationship. Although She ended up with hickeys & some other things happened. Dee and Destiny were off and on. Our family for every holiday would go to my dad's side of the family for a family dinner and hang out to socialize. They were close family, but they weren't the greatest influence on Zoey. Zoey was then only eight years old, have the family was on bad drugs and smoking weed, getting in trouble with the law. But that's the family on Zoey's dads side, the ones that Zoey's family hung around. Zoey's parents would go to our family's house, which had like seven people living there, and when it was a holiday even more people were there. Zoey would hang with her cousins as her parents went to the back of the house to smoke. Zoey knew what was happening, the family tried to hide it so well, but Zoey wasn't dumb. Her older sister was going crazy with that boyfriend of hers. There was once again lots of arguing with them, my sister was being hit. Zoey's dad was yelling at Dee because her sister was being hit and cussed at. Everyone in our household, took Destiny's boyfriends shit, and threw it outside. Zoey and her sister was standing in front of the backdoor, Dee was being psycho, and he punched the window on that door because we locked him out the house. My dad came out his room and forced him to leave. Zoey's dad threatened that if he didn't leave then he was gonna call the law. He eventually left. Destiny was constantly making excuses not to go to school, it was always "oh i'm sick." And when she did go to school she would get there and skip class then our parents would be sent to court for Destiny being immature and not following the law or school rules. Destiny was later put into foster care because the parents couldn't take it anymore, and she got foster parents. She stayed with those foster parents for about a year, and we visited her. But, then the foster parents didn't even want her because she was so bad, and sneaking cigarettes into the foster care. Destiny was sent back with her parents.

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