Part 6

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As I was saying, my sister has became a very bad person. She is basically a criminal in Virginia. She is still a prostitute and ruining her body. Me and my parents heard from another family member that she was pregnant. That's gonna be terrible because I bet she doesn't even know who the dad is. I hate to see the day when she gives birth to that child. That child is gonna grow up and hear some bad things about it's mother. Why did she chose to be this way? Doesn't she realize that what she is doing is hurting the family. Watching someone you grew up with just do something so terrible to them selves. To harm their body and act like a person they're not. When most of your family is on drugs and slowly dying. I have had relatives who have tried to commit suicide because of how crazy they get. Some have even had to go to the loney place (mental hospital) then having to wake up and go to school and deal with everyone's shit. Yeah I'd say that I've had a pretty fucked up life, hello fellow friends reading this, bet you didn't know any of this about me. There has been so many days where I didn't wanna be here. Days where I took a blade to my leg and watched it bleed out, yes I have scars, and everyday I regret doing it. Nobody understands the pain I'm in. You think of me as a normal girl. Let me tell you something else you didn't know. I wanted to kill myself once. I posted it all over my close friends list on Instagram. Well my icloud connects to my moms phone and those suicidal photos saved to my mom's phone. They woke me up at 1am one night crying. I was crying, they were just saying "why would you wanna end your life" well maybe if the people at essex didn't treat me like garbage then I'd be fine. My parents showed up at my school and spoke with the principal, told him everything. I was left in the school conference room crying. Yes that was this seventh grade year, welp that's all for now..

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