Part Five

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Destiny was banned from Virginia, and headed to Colorado. She moved to Colorado and there she became a hoe. She started selling her body for money and posting it all over Facebook. Our parents we disgusted and disappointed in her. She would post photos with her money.  Two years later, after her being disgusting and a hoe, she was then twenty years old. There was A LOT of family drama, that caused a lot, I was then in the sixth grade dealing with so much drama and depression. I had cut myself and the whole grade found out. But doesn't matter, age twenty of my sister, she was hoping from state to state, she was then a prostitute, and posting ads on Facebook for it, We have lost so many close family members because of her, our family has been in so but pain and stress because of her. We have lost my aunt and grandma from my moms side and some family members from my dad's side. Those family members were constantly trying to stick up for my sister, as if she hadn't done anything wrong. She had became a prostitute, got a boob job, she was spending all her hoe money and dumb crap and ruining her body. 

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