Chapter 2

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Kida's pov
I walked around looking for a girl called Danielle until I mistakenly bumped into some girl.

??? : sorry but can you please watch where you going next time
Kida: uhh yah sorry but have you seen a girl called Danielle
??? : yes that's me... Are you kida
Kida: yeah, can I call you Didi
Dani : no you can not
Kida: okay well but we have to start practici...

Before I could finish she rolled her eyes and walked away she is fisty, not to lie she did look kinda cu...WAIT what nah im just kidding. I got to the receptionist and got her tens from there

                                 *next morning at 9:36*

Dani's pov
I woke up to the sound of my phone getting texts. I turned over and took my phone when I checked, it was an unknown number

The chats -
Unknown : hi  :-)               
unknown : wake up🙄
Unknown : get up. (^_-)
Unknown : please😔
Dani: who is this?
Unknown : wow Didi, what happened to greeting
Dani : this kida ain't it?
Kida : yep
Dani : aargh what do you want?
Kida: so how are you?
Dani: am good... But like what do you want, like seriously man
Kida :so are you still sleeping?
Dani: No hey i'm moon walking on Mars.
Kida : Don't be sarcastic with me, I just wanted to ask if you would like to go the beach with me?
Dani: Umm I will ask my mom, but first things first how did you get my number?
Kida : Dont worry about that, I already asked your mom. See you at 12:00
Dani :why
Kida : for our choreography, right you didn't wanna practice yesterday. (-:
Dani : whatever.
The chat ended.

I got up and realized that alot of time passed by, it was 10:30...wasted time talking to that idiot. I quickly rushed down and ate because I was really hungry and my mom went to work.

*At 12:00*

Kida's pov
I waited for her at the beach and she didn't appear for some reason I really felt like I was rejected ~although I didn't like her~. So I decided to call, and she only answered the fourth time

The call-
Kida : hey where are you
Dani : sorry but I can't make it I am really sick
Kida : ohhh okay then I'm coming to your house then
Dani : No please don't I have flu
Kida : so.
Dani : Because it's contagio...
Kida : Don't worry I'm already in a Uber coming there okay, you'll be fine as soon as I get there
Dani: B... B... But you don't have to
Kida : I'm on my wa....
Dani : wait how do you know where I live
Kida : I'm tracking you
The call ended

I hung up and headed to her house cause I knew she was lying. Honestly I wasn't tracking her i just had a copy of her information form she filled in before going to the dance lessons, well i also might have wanted to see her stubborn and adora... WHOA... Just act like I never said that 😯

Dani's pov 
Surprisingly I felt a little bit happy although I was nervous about what I was gonna do cause I wasn't actually sick. Luckily I was home alone. After some time I heard someone knocking on the door.

Dani : (whispers) ohhh gosh what must I do
Kida: (shouting ) Didi please open the door I brought a gift for you
Dani : (whispers) I wish my gift was you going back to where you came from.

I quickly ran to my room and jumped on my bed to check if he was by the door, but luckily I didn't see em,

~turns out if you wish with all your heart it will happen ~

I jumped off my bed and skipped my way down stairs to go watch TV (with a smile on my face )

Kida's pov
As soon as she didn't answer I went to the back door when I peaked through and i saw her watching TV and using her phone. She really looked cute while being  '' sickk'', so I decided to annoy her. I tapped on the sliding door but Dani never saw me

Kida : (whispers) Didi... Didi.... Didi.. (shoutes) DANIELLE!!!

I could tell she got scared cause she was about to fall of the couch

Dani : what the hell dude you scared me(while walking to the sliding door)
Kida : right you are ''sick'' so I came to see you, aren't you gonna open the door for me?
Dani : No, you just scared me at my own house.
Kida : Aargh Man... come on baby don't be like this please (tryna flirt)

She finally opened the door 😪

Kida : thanks
Dani : yeah I only did that cause you were annoying me.
Kida : I love you too😉
Dani : (rolls her eyes ) wow 🤧
Kida : So what's your favorite song
Dani : ummm at the moment its river of tears.
Kida : wow

*5 minutes later*

We sat down and started talking, while we were talking Danielle started getting tired... I could see it in her eyes

Kida : Are you tired
Dani : Yeah, but it's cool
Kida : You can sleep on my lap
Dani : Nah its cool I'm fine

After some time she fell asleep, while she was sleeping she leaned in and slept on my laps not knowing. I left her because it was kinda cute I reached out and felt her hair it was really soft while I was feeling it I leaned in and reached out to give her a small kis...

Dani : what are you doing?
Kida : Umm... Nothing just getting ready to go back home.
Dani : ohh so early.
Kida : yeah well have a good sleep.. Bye
Dani : ohh bye

I stopped and looked at her in her amazing eyes

Kida : (awkwardly ) please can I have a hug
Dani : No bye (laughs)

She shut the door in my face while laughing

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