Chapter 7

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2 years later

Dani's pov
Today's the worst day of my life I vomited twice and it's still in the morning 😭, worst part about today is that my grandmother died. When I went to go wake her up I found out that she wasn't breathing at all I took her to the doctors and they told me she's no more. Ever since my mom left to go to Texas my life was so sad, I first found out my mom had cancer then my dad (in New York) was arrested for 5 years in prison now my grandmother dies a day before my birthday. I just thought to go to Aariyahs house,cause I really felt lonely and sad.

Aariyah : (holds me) I'm so sorry Danielle
Dani : (crying )My life is a mess
Aariyah : okay fine look let's talk about kida has he talked to you yet.
Dani : (wipes her tears) I've been looking at his Instagram and his clearly forgotten about me, I mean hasn't even called or texted me not even a hey or just to check up on me if I was doing good,i even sent him a happy birthday letter to him and he left me on read.
Aariyah : look he didn't forget you okay he still lov...
Dani : No he doesn't that was clearly fake love, he never liked me.

I feel like ever since he went to Russia hw  forgot about me and his enjoying his life. I can't believe I fell for his fake love. I spent the whole day crying, I got back to my senses around the late night. My mom called me

The call-
Mom : (crying) hi honey.
Dani : hi mom
Mom : hope you okay alone there
Dani : (crying) yeah
Mom : Nana's (grandma) body is being sent to Texas so we can bury her here, you can't come just stay at home
Dani : okay mom I miss you bye
Mom : love you baby
The call ends

My mom hung up. I was lying in bed and decided to take a pic of myself crying, and I posted it on Instagram and captioned it ''my depression starts now''. After 5min I got 25 likes and one of em were from kida😑. After a while I got a text it was coming from kida I became more angry more angry.

The text-
Kida : hi
Kida : I know that you are angry at me but could we meet and talk tomorrow I know it's your birthday but please can I explain what happened.
Kida : please don't leave me read
Kida : if you ignoring me it's fine but please answer me.
Dani : No
Kida : why not (^o^)
Dani : cause you only decide to talk to me after 2 years... Plus I'm going through a emotional break down.
Kida : (voice note) look I was busy it's not that, why you going through a emotional break down please tell me, you getting me worried.

After that message I just ignored him. I felt so lonely in the house so I went over to Aariyahs house cause she called me to have  a sleep over.

Next day

Aariyahs pov
I could see Danielle sleep with bruises around her eyes because of crying. I decided to surprise her

Dani : (I'm shock) Omg, thank you so much, and wow you loud
Aariyah : My parents ain't here so lest go to your house

We headed of to Dani's house in our Pj's since it was about 9:30

Dani's pov
I felt happy to know Aariyah remembered my birthday she is my lil angel although she's 1 month older than me. I got onto my phone and I saw a birthday message from my mom I felt so special at the time, then I saw about 105 happy birthday messages from fans and family. We spent half of the day watching TV with laughs and games, although my mind was still on my grandmother. After a while around 13:20 there was a know on the door. I went to go and look for who it was, as I opened It I was in shock and tears dropped from my eyes, I quickly shut the door.

Aariyah: Dude what's your problem whose at the door.
Dani : ummm... I.. I don't know check for yourself (walks away crying)
Aariyah : sorry if u made you cry but then why though

Aariyahs pov
I honestly don't know what Danielle's problem like why is she being so dramatic. So I went to go and open the door as I opened it I saw...

Aariyah : (shouts) KIDA!!!
Kida : (gives her a hug) Hey.. This is Lil deedee and Mateo.
Dee & Teo : Hey
Aariyah : hi guys come on in.
Kida : Thanks... Why did Dani shut the door in my face.
Aariyah : Apparently she's angry at you... Like she's mad at you.
Kida : But how can she be mad at me I'd it's her birthday today.
Dee : (laughs)
Aariyah : her grandmother died her mom has cancer and she's in Texas and her dad got arrested last year for abusing drugs then the first person she loved left to Russia and only wants to see her after 2 years😤(catches her breath, and speaks sarcastically ) Now who do you think she's mad at you.
Kida : (feeling bad) ohh sorry I never knew
Aariyah : if you focused on her you would have known.
Teo : When did her grandmother die?
Aariyah : yesterday.
Dee : Can I please go up and see her.
Aariyah : Yeah you can she's in the room on the right
Dee : thanks... Kida you coming
Aariyah :  ummm... Its better if he doesn't go upstairs
Kida : (confused) uhhh...

Dee went upstairs kida went to the bathroom and I stayed with Teo.

Dee's pov
After I heard what happened to Danielle had been through I had to go and check up on her cause she looked depressed from my point of view. When I got inside of the room I saw her laying on the bed crying ontop a picture

Dee : Is that your grandmother
Dani : (sits up straight on the bed in her duvet) yeah
Dee : sorry to creep up in you or anything but I just wanted to check up on you (sits on the bed)
Dani : ohhh, hi my name is Danielle
Dee : wow and my name is Donielle Hansley.
Dani : 😂what are you doing here
Dee : I'm here to check up in you, by the way Happy Birthday.
Dani : aww thank you.
Dee : I'd you don't mind can I take you out for Ice-cream, they say it helps cool you down
Dani : okay cool but is kida down stairs
Dee : yes
Dani : Aargh(shoves her head on a pillow)
Dee : why you beefing with kida
Dani : it's a long story
Dee : I have time

She explained what happened and I really felt for her. We went out of the room wanting to go down stairs.

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