what I wanna do

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Ok so I Live in New Zealand so at the end I will tell you what some of the places are that I mentions in this bit.

So one day when I have my full license I want to go to Hamilton with four of my friends in a car and play THE ULTIMATE DARE GAME. The rules are simple the person that starts is the one driving and they get to dare anyone in the car. This person mist complete the dare and then they get to dare the next person. If they fail to complete the dare then they get eliminated until there is a champion.

Some dares are...

1. go to countdown and buy something then when the cashier gives you your receipt, eat it.

2. Go to McDonald's and order an icecream then when you get it say "thank you now I can finally be a unicorn" then put the icecream on your head and gallop away.

3. Start a dance party on the side walk.

4. Go to the Kmart parking lot and start singing to Disney songs.

5. Hold hands with someone you don't know.

6. Go around wiping people's arms with a baby wipe pretending to lick them.

7. Put on a dog onsie and let one of the other players walk you around the base like a dog on all fours.

8. Break down crying next to random guys with their girlfriends pretending they cheated.

9. Go to the food court and slide around in your socks.

10. Let your friends put face paint on you and then sit in the middle of a store staring and smiling at random people.

11. Go to United sweets wearing a beard and whisper to the candy then stand up and yell "WE MUST UNITE THE SWEETS" and then run away.

12. Go over to people and say "are you my mother" while looking genuinely panicked.

13. Throw slices of cheese into crowds and see what they do.

14. Follow women around a clothing store and Everytime they look at a piece of clothing chuckle darkly.

15. Stand behind somone in lovisa and say loudly "why did you just put that in your pocket?" And see people's reactions.

16. Go to the base and yell "look that man is naked" and point then see who looks.

17. Stand on the sidewalk then point to the sky and yell "WOAH" then walk away.

18. Glare at random couples and see if any of the guys start to look scared.

19. Roll down your windows in your car and yell at them "sorry about your bumper" then drive away.

20. Put notes on people's cars saying "sorry for the damage done to your car it was an accident".

21. Go to the warehouse and say to the lady at the checkout, stare at her cheek like there is something gross there, then mumble under your breath "ok then" then walk away.

Ok so sorry if any of that was confusing to you. Please comment any other dare ideas.

Hamilton- the closest City to where I live.

Countdown- a super market

The base- the Hamilton mall

Lovisa- a jewelry store

United sweets- a sweet store

The warehouse- basically has everything like clothes, toys and food.

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