What I want in a guy/girl

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1. They has to be able to hold a conversation with me even if the only word I say is potato. He still has to just pretend he understands.

2. They have to be ok with just snuggling on a bed or couch and going on our phones and only talking to show each other memes or videos.

3. They must always be on my side. Like even if I'm entirely wrong they can't say that. They can talk me around but they can't tell me I'm wrong and I need to apologise.

4. They must be totally ok if I show up for a date in my pyjamas.

5. They should either roll their eyes or laugh at my jokes. They must react.

6. They must understand that I am anxious and I need constant reminding that I am amazing even though I'm not.

7. They must be able to debate with me, not fight, debate. So if I bring up a topic that they disagree with they must then debate like we are on judge Judy.

8. Text me whenever they want. Even if it's fricken 4am I will text them when I wake up.

I need someone like this, then maybe we have a future together but just know I am lazy and I am a rock, meaning I will stick with me I will not change for anyone.

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