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My life isn't extraordinary. I was never meant to be anything other than average, unimportant, simple minded and blinded by the mundane-ness of this trash heap some idiot decided to deem 'Earth.'

I never wanted anything in life, just a simple job, a simple apartment in a simple little part of civilization, a few simple houseplants, and maybe a simple balcony with a simple view of some dirty buildings or dusty cars.

But here I was.

Tied to a chair in the center of a disgusting room, black eye, a too-large humanoid next to his too-large buddies holding a too-large knife against my throat, dangerously close to my jugular – something school had taught me that I'd never thought I'd need. Ha.

Oh, how the times have changed.

"Hey now, bucko- "I grumbled, leaning my head back against the freezing chair, trying to avoid that scrape of metal against my poor throat. I had never asked to be snatched from my perfectly normal life by a band of freaks, it had just happened!

The monster stared emotionlessly through his black mask, almost akin to one you'd see at a World War II museum. Or at least I imagined he did, all I could see was my bloody face in the distorted reflection of the googles.

"I never asked for any of this, buddy. I don't know who you're talking about, what the hell is the Morla? Why don't we all be civil here and take the knives away from each other's throats? Wouldn't that be nice?"

The man just pressed the knife harder against the skin over the major arteries leading to my brain, so hard that I couldn't crane my neck back any further. And I, my average self in all my glory, wasn't about to test the man with the weapon. Any more than I already had, at least.

"Okay now, I see how it is. How about I start from the beginning?"

I felt the pressure lessen just the tiniest bit, feeling a bit of blood seep from the thin cut he had left, slowly trickling down into my school uniform, wrinkled and torn from the wrangling I had gone through.

Thank god Jerry had given me that shot before knocking me out and leaving me to these assholes, otherwise I'd probably be screaming and begging for mercy right now.

Nothing like a strong dose of drugs to dull the pain of probably being murdered!

The Time I Got Kidnapped By Aliens Where stories live. Discover now