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Sparking Eye Twitch
Sparks of electricity when he's spooked/caught off guard/angry/etc. The Spark travels up his arm and also just sparks into his eye. Don't travel together. Separate sparks.
*Perhaps this happens early in the Apotheosis phase since he can't control his fire abilities well yet. These sparks are reminiscent of Older Entity turning into Ultimate.

• Shaking from anger/aggression is similar to shivering from the cold/dying. Reaching Absolute Zero.

• The colder he gets, the darker he becomes (back to the Entity Days) and vise-versa. Known as "Entity Tendencies".

• He has a tendency to fall back into his old personality like:
"...then we can desTROY THEM HAHAHAHA! ...." *realizes what he said* "...heh...sorry 😅" *blushes*

• He's really trying to be a good man, he wants to live a simple life and just live in the wilderness kingdom with Seraphina.

• Doesn't wear shoes. Uses the heat from the Earth to warm his feet. In colder climates or other environments where Earth's core heat is limited or unavailable, he wears shoes. Specifically, he wears boots on colder ground. Boots made out of volcanic material.
* Jack likes making fun of Apoth when he has to bundle up from the cold.

• Pulls his hood over his head to blend into the darkness (yknow to hide that flame hair that softly glows with the rest of his body in dark places). He then closes his eyes to blend and completely camouflage in the darkness.

• Jacoby has vision problems. As Entity, he spent large amounts of time in darkness. During this time, he constantly strained his eyes in order to see. As a result, he damaged his eyes. He cannot stand bright objects for too long. Reading is a hassle. Writing is also annoying. I suspect he's farsighted. Might need glasses when he works with glass blowing art or drawing. Extreme focus exhausts him.

• He's a total "one leg out from under the blanket" kind of guy. First he's too hot, then he's too cold...so he adapted. His right leg is usually out. He sleeps on the right side of the bed. Unless he wants to cuddle with Seraphina, he always has one leg out of the blanket.

Apotheosis (Jacoby Phoenix) - Character Bio and Developments [FIRE!AU)Where stories live. Discover now