Colour Theory

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Jacoby and Seraphina

Here's how Apotheosis, Vega and Seraphina are matched in their character design...

Here's how Apotheosis, Vega and Seraphina are matched in their character design

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Opposites attract

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Opposites attract. Let's start with the hair on Apotheosis.

The base of his hair isn't vibrant red, but a red-brown, which is closer to the orange border. This matches with Seraphina's dress, because the opposite of red is green. Apoth's hair is brown-red, which brown is technically a shade of orange.

 Apoth's hair is brown-red, which brown is technically a shade of orange

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Shadow Summon/Vega

• Shadow Summon/Vega

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The opposite of orange is blue

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The opposite of orange is blue...the main colour of Shadow/Vega. The middle of Apoth's hair is a more intense orange...again matching Shadow's blue translucent design. The top of his hair is yellow, which its opposite is purple.

Ahh, what was Entity's old hair colour again? Yes, purple! He's now the opposite of himself (as far as hair is concerned). Instead of purple in the hair, this yellow is balanced by the purple in Apoth's vest. Red from his hair and blue from Shadow also equal purple. Also- the yellow from his hair and Shadow's blue create Seraphina's green dress.

Opposite of red is green
green = blue + yellow
yellow + red = orange
Opposite of orange is blue
Opposite of yellow is purple
blue + red = purple

Our boy's design is basically a log on fire lol. His vest is purple-brown (red + blue + yellow). His design is also based on a volcano.

Jacoby is dirt and Seraphina is growth. He is death and she is life. He is destruction and she is creation.

Green and Purple are considered Secondary colours, which, in storylining, usually mean secondary characters

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Green and Purple are considered Secondary colours, which, in storylining, usually mean secondary characters. If you look at Anna and Elsa for instance...Elsa is blue (Primary) and Anna is represented by purple (Secondary) and green (Secondary) in "Frozen".

In this instance, both Seraphina and Jacoby are neutral parties and don't want to be bothered by Jack (blue-Primary) and the other Guardians. They don't care to be involved with Guardian affairs. Not like they're on bad terms, like I said they are just neutral.

On the hierarchy of Secondary colours it goes:

Since Apotheosis is represented by the colour orange, he dominates over Seraphina in the sense of his influence in their story. However, Apotheosis has a problem with falling back into his "Entity Tendencies". Entity is represented by purple, so when Apoth is losing himself, Seraphina takes the role as dominating over Apoth since green is higher than purple.

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