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Tough skin
Due to his fire abilities, he's acquired a thick skin that is tough like volcanic rock. When he's cut, he has the look of swirling magma in his wounds. Touching a bad injury causes you to be burnt with a "tsssss-" and some smoke/steam/gas escaping the wound. Do NOT give him ice or cold water. Giving him ice/cold water will result in reaching Absolute Zero. Allow injury to cool. Cooling will result in rock-like scab. In emergency, apply warm/hot water to injury. This will cause discomfort, but will speed up the scabbing of the wound.
* Strong skin like Jack's frozen, toughened skin. Both are hard to break.

Moon Phase Influence*
New Moon = weakest
Waxing Crescent = practically powerless
First Quarter = slightly less weak
Waxing Gibbous = getting stronger
Full Moon = strongest
Waning Gibbous = faltering strength
Third Quarter = losing energy fast
Waning Crescent = weak
New Moon = weakest
* Moonlight is a reflection from the sun...which is where Apoth gets his strongest energy. Clouds blocking out full moon make him as weak as a new moon.

• Gains strength from Aurora Borealis

Apotheosis (Jacoby Phoenix) - Character Bio and Developments [FIRE!AU)Where stories live. Discover now