Chapter 10.1 : Memories on pieces

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     I don't own the art , the art is by Sharax_Official, AND I LOVE HER REMIXES, ORIGINALS OUT OF HER SONGS FROM UNDERTALE,THE AU'S AND HER AU UNDERTRONIC. Go listen to her songs ,because DAMN, I love the way she made them.


-At the Lacrima Island-

Horror's P.O.V:

         While following Ren well wherever we are going he told me their might be a slight chance to heal my illness but he was silent the past few minutes is he hiding something from us, he is still carrying his sword and that book he found at my house, when I remebered something about X-Chara not knowing what's going on I asked Ren "Hey Ren ? Why is everyone acting weird today ? And what really are you ?" He suddenly stopped his movements and there was a small silence for a minute when I heard him say something although I didn't hear him "What was that ?" He repeated "To answer all your questions. One: I replaced their memories with something else and Two: I am not a monster skeleton, I'm a demon, a demon gem skeleton, that is why I'm more dangerous than anyone else" I froze from the part he said he is a demon "Then why are you helping me, why does it look like I remember you from my past !?"I shouted but my eyes widened when I didn't notice his sword pointing to my neck feeling the blade's tip "Because it was MY fault you had that illness !!!!" He shouted with dark empty sockets but his left socket was flickering blood red like mine, I couldn't control myself I released my axe throwing it at him but he dodged it hitting the lacrima gems, and lowering his guard and I released my bones from the ground and he dodges them, I took my axe and threw it to him again but now he used his telepathy and broke it to pieces without using his hand, then I said "Why are we fighting ?" He shrugged "I don't know...." , he continued walking again but I felt like were being followed Iwalked faster and Ren is just patient? I guess, when he stopped his movements again I hear the the crystals echoing in a sound like is someone mining no, maybe hitting or stepping "It's nice to finnaly see you appear......" Another one how many people nowadays would just pop out of nowhere !? I shouted to myself and the voice was a woman's she has a black hair tied to a ponytail, wears a dark purple cloack , boots or shoes that reach her knees, and green eyes like a dragon and she lastly said "...... Ren-sama" I took a small step backwards and released out my axe, Ren released his sword but he blocked me by hanging his hand " Horror, I want you to run, once her flowers touch you, your body will start blooming small red and blue flowers" Ren warned me "Bu-!!"he cutted me "PLEASE!!!" He shouted I kbow he is serious but who is she "But let me ask, who is SHE !!?!?!" I shout-asked him "Lierensia , that's her name, now run Horror, I sensed X-Chara's presence in the island , follow my skele dragon Mederan he knows the way" I dragon that has bones like mine came out of nowhere grabbed me by the hood and flew,I told it to let me glow but it didn't want to "REN !!!!" he didn't turn back, I saw X-Chara and "BETTY !?" I shouted , when Chara saw me she waved and the dragon flew down letting my hood go and I went to hug X-Chara tightly as ever like I missed talking to her and I missed her tsundere personality.

X-Chara's P.O.V :

       When we got down from the ship the island was filled with blue crystals but has open paths everywhere , I didn't know which path they took and this annoying speaker head is still following me(It's Betty Noire for sure) "Hey, hey X-Chara, do you know where those two are now, Oh , maybe I could call out Akumu to find them-" "Would YOU PLEASE stop !!" I shouted at her , I took the path at the middle while Betty is still following.

       No sign, it was exhausting though, when I heard someone like from up above was a dragon and a dragon was helding him up it was "Horror ?!" I waved to catch their attention when he saw me , the skele dragon flew down and letted go of his hood and run to me amd hugged me tightly I began to blush deeply, I wanted to escape his grip but I hugged back when he released the hug he saw Betty standing behind "A-anyways why are you here and why is Betty here, you do know she is a lot different compare to you Charas and Frisks right ?" Well how can I answer that "So you must be Horror huh ? You must be X-Chara's boyfriend !" me and Horror blushed and said in unison "BOYFRIEND !?!?" I brought out my sword and Horror took out his axe and gripped it tightly and his Gaster Blasters came out ready to shoot while we were still blushing,Betty raised her hands with a shocked look "Whoah , whoah, slow down their lovebirds I was just joking" when I heard her say 'lovebirds' I blushed again and threw my sword to her but I missed "Hey, hey, hey now you need to slow down tiger, now I'm kiddin, also what is the reason were all here" Betty asked , when Horror already remembered his eye sockets widen he turned back to where the skeleton dragon is but it was gone, "Come one guys no time to explain let's go!!!" he shouted  I was too confused to what is going on but I followed and told Betty to follow too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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