Chapter 5: Valiant (Part 1)

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"No young man or young women, no matter how great, can know their destiny. They cannot glimpse their part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, they must live and learn. And so it will be for the young warlock and young witch arriving at the gates of Camelot. A boy and girl that will, in time, parent a legend. Their names: Merlin and Evangelina."


(Evangelina's POV)

It was Merlin and I's first day as Arthur's servants. I was chored with cleaning his chambers and cleaning his clothes while my brother got the harder and more painful job. I look out the window and see Merlin in full armor being attacked by Arthur. Arthur was training for the upcoming tournament. I sigh and continue on my way.  I had very easily finished my chores and walked outside to ask if there was anything else I could do.

As I walked I accidentally bumped into someone dressed in a pretty yellow cloak. "Oh, I'm sorry sir." I say bowing my head.

"It's quite alright, no harm done." He says with a smile. I look at the man and notices his knight attire.

"Are you here for the tournament?" I asked smiling back.

"Indeed, I'm excited to face my appoints." He responses straightening up with a look of excitement and pride in his eyes.

"It will be an interesting fight, to say the least. May I get your name, sir?  I wish to know who I should look out for in the tournament" I respond politely.

"Of course, I am Knight Valiant of the Western Isles. May I have your name fair maiden?" I smile at his words.

"My name is Evangelina. It was a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Sir Valiant. Now I must be off, I'll look for you in the tournament." With a smile, I start to walk away but he grabs my wrist.

"Wait! Before you go, may I have a token of your goodwill? It's good luck to get a handkerchief from a beautiful maiden" He says with a smirk on his lips. My eyes widen a bit and I blush before handing him my handkerchief.

"Good luck Sir Valiant." With that, I walk away to find my brother.


I make my way down to the training area with a smile on my face. I stand on the sideline of the field as I watch my poor brother be hit again and again.

I watch as Merlin falls onto his back groaning. I step forward to go see if he's alright.

"Is it over?" I hear him ask tiredly as I get closer.

"That was just the warm-up. How's your mace work coming along?" Arthur response swinging a mace in his hand. I come up behind him with a sigh.

"My lord, would you be so gracious to give Merlin a break? He's never had to do this before. I find it a bit unfair..." Arthur jumped a bit before turning around in surprise.

"Lina?" He asked surprised "What are you doing here? You have chores that are in need  of doing." He says. 

"I finished my chores Arthur. I came to see how training was going." I respond. Merlin slowly, but surely, got up.

"You're lucky Eva. You only got chores." My brother says smiling at me. I chuckle and nod.

"I did get quite lucky, didn't I? My luck even went as far as to allow me to meet a handsome knight." I say smiling. Arthurs' head snapped towards me.

"Handsome knight?" He asks in surprise.

"Yes, his name is Knight Valiant. He's competing in the tournament. It's quite exciting." I respond.

"Don't get too involved with boys now Eva, I'm still your protective brother remember?" Merlin says smirking. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you say Merlin." Arthur clears his throat.

"Now, I would love to stand and talk some more but Merlin and I must continue training. So Lina would you please step back a bit?" He says in prince mood for some reason. I nod and bow my head.

"Of course my lord." I turn and walk back to the sidelines as Merlin sighs unhappily. I chuckle at the two boys. I could already tell our time with the Prince will be very fruitful. 


I'm sorry I haven't updated in ever! I just moved so updating has been hard. I'll try to update more. Hope you enjoyed this quick chapter!


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