Chapter Six - Neon

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My ears are assaulted by loud rap music the second we step through the front doors of Alpha Delta Phi. I don't recognize the song vibrating through the booming speakers but apparently, half the people here do as they're all dancing and bopping their heads along to the music. I allow my eyes to survey the packed room and am greeted by what was probably a couple dozen frat boys. For each boy in the room, there were probably a few girls as well.

I couldn't help but compare myself to all of the beautiful girls passing by me in the crowded room, making me look down shyly at my own outfit. I nervously pull down my skirt a bit and flatten out my crop top that wore more like a bra now that I was looking down at myself. This was a bad idea, my subconscious chooses to remind me.

"Would you stop toying with your outfit over there, you look amazing!" Layla reminds me. I couldn't even deny that she had done an exceptional job on my makeup and hair. "The outfit just brings it over the edge," she had said to me. I guess she was right.

"Look who it is!" I turn my head towards the sound of a familiar voice to be met with Jaxon's friend, Aidan. I hadn't seen him since the first day of school a couple of weeks ago but he was easily recognizable considering he definitely stood somewhere over six feet and was built like an athlete. It would be hard to forget him. His short brown hair and brown eyes complimented his softer facial features greatly.

"Oh, Aidan! Hey!" I give him a sheepish look, meanwhile, his smile could probably light up a thousand suns. He was clearly in his element. I clear my throat and motion to the girls, "These are my friends, Layla and Makenzie," I point towards each of them as I do my introductions.

"So nice to meet you girls, I would shake your hands but," he motions to the two red solo cups he was holding in each hand, "I'm kinda tied up! Hey Ashby, you want a drink?" He sticks out one of his hands towards me.

"Uhh, small tip, Aidan? Girls don't really love taking random drinks from boys at parties," I take a closer look at the cup, "Especially when god knows what is in there..." The girls give a soft chuckle behind me. I give him a small smile, "I'm okay," I finish with.

He gives a puzzled look as a beat passes and a look of understanding crosses his face, "I didn't even think about that... thanks, Ashby, I'll start offering the girls bottles. Can I get you one?"

I place a hand on his hard shoulder. Damn, this boy was solid. "I'm all set Aidan, but thank you. I think my friends and I are gonna look for someone but I'll catch you later?"

"For sure, Ashby! Don't be a stranger!" He calls out as he weaves through more bodies to the other side of the vast entry room.

Layla taps on my shoulder and leans into me, "Let's go to the kitchen, Kenz and I wanna get a drink and then she wants to find Hudson to say hi."

"Okay, cool," I reply back and follow the girls into the kitchen. There Layla and Makenzie both grab a bottled wine cooler from a large bucket on the floor. Kenz reaches down to grab another but I speak up before she can, 'Hey, you guys said you wouldn't pressure me into drinking," I remark.

As fast as I say it, Kenz drops the second wine cooler back into the bucket, "Shit, I forgot. We're not, my bad Blake," she gives me a genuine smile. There really is something to be said about having genuine girl friends who don't pressure you into doing shit you didn't want to do. It was refreshing, honestly.

The girls unscrew their drinks and Makenzie grabs for Layla's hand, "Let's go this way," she says, wandering down the hall to which I follow. The music is still blasting at top volume, making my eardrums vibrate. The living room was filled with people, everyone dancing or laid across a piece of furniture conversing with others. We settle into a back corner and just observe for a bit, the girls giggling to one another and sipping their drinks. They were so cute with each other sometimes, I swear.

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