Part 1-Emma

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       A Harry Potter lunch box. Abby Plyer had a Harry Potter lunch box, and Emma Nolan wanted it, bad. The lunch box consumed Emma's life. She was going to get that lunchbox if it was the last thing she did.
       Friday rolled around, and Emma still didn't have that lunch box. She had tried, oh how she tried, but every attempt was stopped by Miss Katrina, or by Abby herself. But Emma wasn't giving up. When lunch time came, Emma walked right up to Abby and sat down beside her. "Hi." She said. Abby looked at her.
"That lunchbox is really cool."
Suddenly Miss Katrina slammed a brown paper bag in front of Emma. She flinched, then sighed and begrudgingly took out her PB&J and juice box. She ate PB&Js every day. Emma really hated PB&Js. Abby probably doesn't have a PB&J. Emma looked over, and she was right.
       Abby was munching on baby carrots. She also had a water bottle and a Lunchable. Emma had never had a Lunchable before. Or, at least, not one like what Abby had.
"That looks good." Emma said.
"Thanks. Do you want one?" Abby asked. Emma simply nodded. Nick was right, Abby really was pretty. Her hair was red like Ariel's, and it hung in two short little braids. Emma wanted to braid Abby's hair. Abby's eyes were gray, but they made you feel warm and snuggly. Suddenly Emma noticed something. Abby was giving Emma the lunchbox! She reached for it with a shaking hand. This was her chance! But Emma stopped.
        What if Abby was mad that Emma took her lunchbox? What if she was sad? Emma didn't want to make Abby cry! She was too pretty for that! So Emma just took a cracker sandwich from the box and slid it back. Emma tore off a piece of her own sandwich and gave it to Abby in trade, though she hoped Abby didn't actually eat it. Emma didn't want to put Abby through that. The rest of the day passed with Emma sitting in a corner, sulking with her juice box, watching Abby.
          Maybe Emma wanted more than just Abby's lunchbox.

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