Part 4-Alyssa

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               "I hate church!" Alyssa lied on the ground and pounded her fist, screaming. Her mother stood over her, a glare on her face. "Now, Alyssa, why are you disappointing Jesus like this?! You know he wants to share his love and faith with you, why don't you?!" Alyssa sniffled. "I already love him! Why do I have to say it in a stupid church?!" Helen Greene inhaled. "Communion in the church is a very sacred thing, Alyssa Margaret. It represents that you have accepted Jesus's love and that he died for your sins! You believe he did that, don't you?"
         The response came a second to soon. Just as Alyssa sat up and started to say "Yes," the book collided with the seven year old's face with a thwump. Helen looked at the forming red spot in horror. "Alyssa...I..."
       Alyssa simply looked at her mother with narrow eyes, tears running down her face. "I hate you!" She screamed.
         Alyssa ran up to her room. It wouldn't be the only time she said those words.

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