Part 5-Emma

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        Why the hell was Emma at this stupid dance?! Jenny and David had made it perfectly clear they didn't want to pay for Emma to go. Emma certainly didn't want to spend two and half hours at a middle school formal in a stupid dress and heels. Yet here she was, doing exactly that. Who exactly was she trying to please? Herself?               
       Emma sighed as she sat in the bleachers, wondering why she ever even existed in the first place.
"Hi." A voice said. Emma jumped. Sitting to her left was Alyssa Greene. She was wearing a bright yellow, nineteen-fifties style dress. It was complete with bobby socks, Mary Janes, white gloves, and pearls. Her dark hair was even done in a fifties style. Apparently she thought this was the Halloween dance.
"My mom liked the 'aesthetic.'"
          Emma swore. Had she actually said that aloud? "Sorry." She said, looking down embarrassedly.
Alyssa laughed. "It's alright, I'm honestly really uncomfortable in this."
Emma snorted. "You think you're uncomfortable? I hate wearing dresses, and yet I'm wearing this." She gestured to her ensemble, a pastel pink, tight tulle dress that squeezed her thighs, and heels.
"Well then why did you wear it?" Alyssa asked.
"Because of the dress code!" Emma's eyes widened. She had gotten louder on that statement, and people were staring.
        "Sorry." Emma muttered, feeling her face flush.
"You don't have to keep apologizing." Alyssa said.
"Sorry." Emma replied. "Sh*t."
She and Alyssa sat in silence for a moment before Emma asked "Don't you have a date?"
"Oh, Mack?" Alyssa questioned, pointing over to the bathrooms, where a group of boys were trying to snort Kool-Aid. "He's busy." The girls watched the spectacle for a few minutes when Emma said "I came by myself."
"Oh." Alyssa responded quietly. Suddenly she turned toward Emma with a grin.
"Hey, why don't we dance together? "I mean, not like a slow dance or anything, cause that'd be weird," she added quickly. "but like, a group dance, with me and my-"
Kaylee and Shelby has made their way over to Alyssa.
"What are you doing with her?" Shelby asked, shooting a disgusted look toward Emma, who simply looked the other way. "But, l-"
"Come on, the conga line is starting!"
Alyssa sighed and looked at Emma, mouthing a bye.
Emma waved. She thought everyone in this town sucked, but apparently not. Alyssa Greene was absolutely perfect.

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