Part 6-Alyssa

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         Holy sh*t. Ho. Ly. Sh*t! Alyssa couldn't believe it. She was actually doing it. She was actually making out with a girl! And at bible camp! Alyssa shifted her weight and faced Heidi Fitz with a grin. "Geez, this is incredible!"
Heidi snorted. "You done yet?"
"Yeah." Alyssa panted and threw herself at Heidi. God, her lips were so soft. Alyssa could could run her hands through Heidi's hair for hours. Why did everyone say this was so sinful? Something bad shouldn't feel so good.
         Was this sinful? The Bible said—No. The Bible said Man shall not lay with man. One, Alyssa was a woman, and two, Alyssa wasn't laying with anybody. Just kissing. But still, the look on her mother's face if she saw what Alyssa was doing...
She pulled away.
"What, did I bite you?" Heidi asked.
Alyssa shook her head. "No, it's just...I'm sorry, I can't do this."
"Aw come on, seriously? We were having such a good time 'Lyssa!" Heidi whined.
"I know." Alyssa said earnestly. "I know! I just feel so...guilty."
"Oh don't give me that crap." Heidi snapped, pulling Alyssa towards her.
"You know d*mn well that what we're doing is—"
"No." Alyssa said, yanking back and adjusting her shirt. "I'm sorry, but no. I had such a good time, Heidi, but, I'm done."
          This was just an experiment. Alyssa told herself as she walked back to the lake. I was just experimenting, therefore it's not a sin.
But you liked it. A voice in her head whispered. You thought it was incredible.
No, we only thought we did. Alyssa reasoned. We were actually completely indifferent to it.
          Alyssa Greene was straight. She was straight as an arrow. Alyssa was a good, straight, Christian girl, and absolutely nothing could change that.

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