Part 3-Emma

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            Emma didn't want to go to summer camp. She didn't want to spend a week in the blazing heat, being eaten alive by bugs, doing "bonding activities" with people she hated. Besides, why were her parents even spending the money to send her? All they did was complain about how much money she cost them. She pointed this out to her mother as she watched tv.
       "Your grandmother has offered to pay for it. Not to mention it gets you out of my hair." Jenny countered. Emma huffed.
"But summer camp is stupid!" Mom slammed the remote down on the table and whipped her head toward Emma, making her flinch.
"Emma Mary Nolan! Just who the hell do you think you are?! Your grandmother has graciously donated her money so you can do something fun this summer! And you are choosing to act like a complete brat! Other kids your age would love to go to camp, and yet you're choosing to be completely f*cking irrational about it! What is wrong with you?"
          The nine year old quivered as her mother ranted. Why didn't she just say yes? She knew what happens when she talks back! Why was she so stupid?!
"Well? What do you have to say for yourself, you ungrateful brat?" Jenny shrieked. Emma shook.
"I...s-sorry." She whimpered. "I'll go."
"D*mn right you will."
Emma walked off to her room. She was stupid to think her parents ever loved her. She could be just as much out of their way if she was roaming the neighborhood, playing with Kaylee, Shelby, and her other friends! But no she had to be out of their lives, if just for a week.
            Emma loved her parents, truly. But what did she have to do to get them to love her?

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