CH: 5 soapy cocoa

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Gorgie was sound asleep when he heard a loud slurping noise coming from behind him. As he woke up and rubbed his eyes he was greeted by Pennywise drinking out of a red cup. "Penny? What are you doing here?" Gorgie asked. "I needed to borrow you're kettle so I could enjoy the cocoa you brought me Gorgie all the hot water in the sewer is all bubbly and soapy." Pennywise answered. "Soappy cocoa? Ew." Gorgie said snickering. Pennywise a little confused answered back "yes can't have that." Pennywise paused for a second. "Do you want this one Gorgie?" Pennywise asked. "I made it just for you." He added. Gorgie exitedly replied. "Ooh! Yes please." Penny slowly gave Gorgie the cup of hot chocolate. Odley enough Gorgie wasint fazed by the singing that started. So Gorgie happily siped from the cup of hot coca. However the loud singing did faze one person Billy who came into Gorgie's room half asleep slightly startled by the singing. "Who are talking to?" Billy questioned. Gorgie replied with happiness he cold hardly wait to introduce his older brother to his best friend.
(Mostly beacuse Bill didn't believe in Penny)
"Oh! Just Mr penny" Gorgie turned his head to the chair pennywise was sitting to find his friend had disappeared. Gorgie was slightly let down but figured the door opening scared penny. Bill  wondered why on earth Gorgie was signing praticly screaming at the top of his lungs but was too tired to think about it that much. "W-well c-co-could you wait till t-tomorrow I can hear you a-a-a-all th-the way in my room." Bill studdered as he attached his vishon to a red cup peering into Gorgies cup Bill cold hardly concentrate his vision he was so tired. "And is that h-hot c-cocoa better not let m-m-mom catch you with that th-this late n-night." "He's not imaginary." Gorgie mumbled to himself.

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