Ghost-Friends (Twenty-One Pilots)

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Josh and Tyler enter a rumored haunted house when they lose a bet. It turned out to be the best loss they ever had.


"I can't believe we actually got suckered into this," Tyler said as he gripped his flashlight.

"I can't believe your mouth is so small. What are you, an ant?" Josh crossed his arms.

The two teenagers lost a bet to their friends, Brendon and Patrick, from school. It was simple really. Tyler had to beat Patrick at a game of chubby bunny. The losing team has to flip a coin. Heads, they escape punishment. Tails, they have to investigate the most haunted location in town and stay the night: the Scorching Zone.

The Scorching Zone was originally a house. It obtained it's nick name when a house party was abruptly halted by a fire. Two girls ended up dead. It's said that smoke can be seen floating out of what's left of the chimney. Despite the fire, the house is still somewhat intact. People blamed the supernatural.

Tyler, being the more responsible one of the two, brought a bag filled with some supplies. Extra batteries incase their flashlight died, food for obvious reasons and other supplies that Josh thought were unnecessary.

Josh, who wasn't going to let a stupid ghost hunt ruin his fun, brought an ouija board, some candles to "match the spooky aesthetic," salt, and other items that Tyler thought were complete nonsense.

"Hey! Stop stalling!" Brendon yelled from afar.

"He's right. Sooner you start, sooner we can go home." Patrick said in a bored tone. "There's a curfew I gotta meet."

Josh looked over at Tyler. "Ladies first." He stooped into a bow.

"Gee, I'm flattered." Tyler said while flicking on his flash light. He started walking towards the house, Josh just a few paces behind.

When the ghost hunting duo reached the front door, Brendon started his timer.

Tyler places his hand on the corroded door knob, took a deep breath, and tried to open it. The door didn't budge.

"Here, let me, dearest." Josh snickered as he took and door knob and shoved the rotted door open. Tyler tolled his eyes and stepped into the house after his friend.

The front door opened up into what used to be a foyer. The walls held an uncountable about of burn scorch marks and several holes where the wood and drywall simply couldn't withstand the elements after the fire. What was left of a kitchen was to the left while a living room was to the right. A stair case and another hallway stood in front of them.

"So, where're we starting our investigation?" Josh said with a grin as he rubbed his hands together.

"I guess the living room." Tyler answered as he moved the beam of the flash light around the house interior.

Once in the living room, Josh plopped down on the remains of a couch while Tyler took to standing near the center of it to look around with his flash light. Josh pulled open his drawstring bag and pulled out a book.

"You cannot be serious." Tyler said as he saw the title of the book. "Isn't that a little disrespectful?"

"I'm afraid I'm..." Josh paused for effect. "Dead series." The red haired teen burst into a fit of giggles as he held up his book for Tyler to inspect, which he did.

"101 Jokes For The Dead, Undead and Dying." Tyler read the title. "How much was this?"

"Got it on sale for $1.99." Josh triumphantly stated. He took the book back and opened it up. "What do you call an empty living room?"

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