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Royals AU. Ryan is the prince of a kingdom in peril. After exploring a little bit, Ryan finds a secret room. Wonder what's in it?


"Read the story again, mom!" The young prince, Ryan, asked delightedly.

His mother gave a weary chuckle. "Sweetie, it's already past your bedtime. And if you're going to become a big and strong king someday, you need your rest."

"Please, mom? I'll eat all my vegetables tomorrow!" Ryan begged as he wiggled out of the covers that his mother tucked him in.

The queen gave a heavy sigh before sighing. "Alright. One last time." The mother felt her heart swell with pride and joy when her son gave her a wide, but incomplete smile. Ryan had lost a total of three teeth since the beginning of the month. Seeing the prince smile so brightly regardless only made her love her son that much more. The queen cleared her throat before beginning the story for the third time that night.

Once upon a time, long ago, in a land not so far away, there was a kingdom not very dissimilar from this one.

Said kingdom was a stable of peace. Any neighboring cities were respectful of that, which led to mass unity across the land. In the castle, there was a king, a queen, and a very handsome little prince. Those with royal blood and commoners blood lived together in harmony. Everything was peaceful.

"But then..." Ryan gasped as he quickly ducked under his covers. His mother gave him a reassuring smile and followed his lead.

But then, a legion of bandits and crooks alike besieged the kingdom. They took many lives and held more hostage. The unity that the Royals had fought so hard to maintain had been tarnished, corrupted by greed, violence, and evil. The young prince mentioned before was of age to rule and had obtained the crown. Now a young adult, he gathered any remaining townspeople that he could and led them in the battle against the bandits. The king and his rebel fighters fought hard and long battles, trying with all their might to restore the kingdom to what it once was. It looked like they would win, but the rebel fighters were ambushed!

"Mom, what does 'ambush' mean?"

"The rebel fights were attacked while they weren't expecting it."

"Oh, okay. Keep going, please!"

The rebel group fought that battle hard as well, but alas, the king sacrificed himself to save his loved one. On the king's death bed, he requested that his loved one resume control and obtain the crown. And that's what happened. The king's loved one, now a Queen, worked with the rebel forces still remaining and finished the war that the king couldn't. She dedicated the remainder of her life to restoring the tranquility that the kingdom once had.

"It's bedtime now, Ry. And I want your dinner plate to be vegetable-free tomorrow, just like you promised." The queen gave her prince a kiss on the forehead before she stood. The teal gemstone in her tiara sparkled as light reflected off of it.

"Good night, mom," Ryan said through a yawn.

"Good night, Ryan." With that, the mother blew out a nearby candle before leaving the room.


Several years later...

"Ryan, for the last time, you need to find a suitor. When you get the crown, you have to have an heir." The current king, Ryan's father, scolded his son for his slackness.

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