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Ladies, gentlemen, and other configurations of being, welcome to my infinitesimally small corner of the internet! (cue air horns and confetti)

I have two goals with this book:
- Improve my writing
- Providing enjoyment to my readers (that's you)

I'm a pretty cool person. You should leave a laugh in the comments, I'll probably thank you.

Actually, now that I think about it, comment about anything. I'm a real chatty person.

Moving on, I ask that you give me a chance. My first few stories are a little funky (especially the devil and his angel series I have going), but I promise they get better. Heck, skip over them and read something else I have posted.

Suggestions are very much appreciated.

As you lovely people can see, I'm in desperate need of a new cover. *wink wonk* I'll obviously give full credit to you if you decide to make one. I'll be very happy. I also was thinking about possibly collaborating with someone to help out with this book. Having someone else to help edit, write and bounce ideas off of will help filter out some of my inevitable garbage. Or maybe I can help one of you guys if you need it. Just dm me if your interested in any of that.

I think that's everything I had to say. I hope you all stick around in the future! Buh-bye!

-Alex 🍭

The Bandom Book Of One-Shots (Emo-Quartet and more) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now