Bat Shit (Fall Out Boy)

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Bat shit crazy.

Infinity on High Era.

In a little over 4 months, I've collected over 600 reads. You guys make me so happy! 💜

-Alex 🍭


Patrick, Joe and Andy would say that they knew Pete pretty well.


There is always something new with Pete.

This is one of those times.

Patrick was first to point out that Pete was acting stranger than normal.

Shifty glances. Oddly skittish and jumpy. Suddenly obsessed with his privacy. Lots of fruit eating. The thing that really made Patrick take notice this new behavior was when Pete claimed Patrick's music was too loud.... He was using headphones...

That's not the loud, energetic Pete that the boys knew.

They talked casually after their show.

Patrick peaked out his dressing room door before ducking back inside. "Okay. Pete's with the bass tech. We got a few minutes."

"I really don't feel great talking about him like this," Andy said. "Maybe we should just ask him what's wrong."

"You know how Pete gets when we confront him about stuff like this. He hasn't necessarily had the healthiest mind set in the past." Joe leaned back in his chair, pulling his hair back on the process.

Patrick took a seat on a nearby couch. "All the more reason for us to try and come up with a way to, y'know, make sure he's okay?"

Patrick knew his reasoning was faulty. Perhaps he was really turning this into an opportunity to rant about Pete and his current shenanigans.

But his band mates were here. Might as well talk.

"Well, where are we starting?" Andy huffed, clearly not on board.

"How about the fact that Pete keeps turning down my amp in soundcheck? Like, so low you can't even hear it."

"I knew the mic was quieter than normal," Patrick muttered.

"So something's up with his ears? Maybe all those months of cranking the volume up in the van finally got the best of him," Andy said.

Joe shook his head. "He seemed fine a few weeks ago before the tour started. You'd think something like that would've shown up long before we first left Chicago."

"Plus, last time I checked, you typically don't gain hearing, you lose it," Patrick said. "Maybe he's suddenly prone to headaches and migraines? Those make you sensitive to noise, right?"

"Welp, there's only one thing left to do." Joe pulled out his phone.

"What's that?" Andy asked.

"Google it."

"That's literally the last thing you do when you have any sort of symptoms. We'll end up thinking Pete is dying or something."

Joe shrugged. "Can't hurt to look."

A few seconds of scrolling passed before he began reciting something from the internet.

"It could be hyperacusis. Says here that common symptoms include reduced tolerance and increased sensitivity to everyday sounds."

"Is another symptom eating all the fruit on the tour bus when you're not even vegan?" Andy said with a grimace.

Patrick snorted. "I take it Pete has ransacked your food supply."

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