Entomophile (Waterparks)

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Entomophile (plural entomophiles)
A person who likes insects.


From entomo- + -phile; hence literally "insect-loving".

Pre-Fandom Era.

Thank you all so much for 200+ reads. I never thought I'd get this far. I love you all! 💜

-Alex 🍭


Awsten had been one of those kids with a big bug picture book. He'd run around the play ground, pointing at the various insects he'd come across and finding their descriptions.

He'd find a collection of various rocks in the play ground, run out to the outskirts of the kick-ball field, and dig shallow holes.

He called these holes "bug condos." He even would find a few twigs to act as furniture before finding few leaves to act as a roof. The ladybugs, crickets and the occasional grasshopper always loved their new homes.

At least in Awsten's mind they did.

The teachers would scold him for his hole digging.

But Awsten never stopped.

Because Awsten loves bugs.


Flash forward a few years, and he's on a school field trip to the zoo.

Awsten couldn't fathom why the other fifth graders were so fascinated with the lions or rhinos or monkeys.

It's not like they were awake anyways.

But the second the chaperone wasn't looking, he darted off to the bug den.

He watched in awe as a praying mantis bowed to him. Vibrant green body, jagged front legs. Of course, he bowed back.

He moved on to a glass chamber of... cockroaches?

These roaches looked different from the ones he could normally find on the school grounds. They were bigger, redder... cooler. A plaque below the chamber labeled these guys as Madagascar hissing cockroaches. Apparently, they are some of the biggest roaches in the world. And they hiss? Awesome!

Awsten snapped a picture with his disposable camera.

That's when Awsten saw it.

The butterfly house.

One large room with dozens of different tropical plants.

And dozens of different species of butterflies.

Awsten made grabby hands for the door, he almost made it.


A set of warm hands landed on his shoulders. They spun him around, revealing the chaperone of his group.

"There you are, Awsten! Try not to wonder off next time, okay sweetie?"

Awsten understood that his lady was in charge of him and was only trying to keep him safe, but that didn't make this any less of an inconvenience.

"I just want to see the butterflies," Awsten said with a whine.

The lady looked up to the glass doors, beyond them what looked like a mini rainforest.

She smiled sympathetically at Awsten. "Alright then. Another chaperone is watching the rest of the group. They didn't want to see all the bugs..." The lady cringed at the sight of the swarming cockroaches. "But since you're obviously so thrilled by them, I'll let you see the butterflies. How's that sound?"

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