🌻Katsuki X Neko!Reader

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*I received this request from @ThiccCoconutSenpai, thank you!❤ I hope this isn't bad /)-(\*

Quirk: Neko (Feline)

"Katsuki, wait for me!" The E/C eyed girl yelled being ever so bubbly, strolling over to her beloved best friend. You stood straight in front of Katsuki, and wiggled your cat-like ears. As soon as Katsuki met your gaze, a soft hint of blush spread across his cheeks, but he let out a soft grunt in response. For a short second, the hot-head admired your features, all of which including your ears, tail, and very sharp nails. Secretly, Katsuki had a HUGE crush on you. I mean, who wouldn't? You are very easy to adore.  You felt the same, but didn't bother saying a thing, since you thought he had no time for a relationship.

 "Hey, Fuzzball." Katsuki responded coolly , sounding more laid back than the usual scowl you got. "Bakugo, I was wonderi-" "Call me Katsuki." He interrupted, a smirk forming on his lips. You simply smiled in return, and continued. "Alright then, Katsuki. I  was wondering if you could help me study for the exam that's coming up? I asked Kirishima but he was already helping Kaminari." As soon as you said that, the word "Opportunity!" flashed in his mind. " Sure. Let's meet at my place. Don't be late or I'll kill you, Fuzzball." Katsuki replied, blush spread on both you and Katsuki's face. He placed a hand on your head gently, stroking your ears gently. You laughed a bit, considering that is your weak spot. "S-stop, that tickles!" You giggled, hiding your ears. 

 Katsuki continued to tickle your ears until you were out of breath, and were nearly gasping for air. After you completely caught your breath, you hit Katsuki playfully. You were in such a daze, you had no idea what was going to come out of your mouth next. "Katsuki, I like you alot!" You said whilst holding a timid expression. He was shocked. All he did was stand there, completely shaken by what you had said. "Stop fucking with me, I know you're lying to me" Katsuki poured rather adorably, stating boldly. "EH? I'm not lying to you!" Your tail started to swing a bit, as you stared him down. "PROVE IT, FUZZBA-" Katsuki didn't even get to finish his sentence before you pressed your lips against his gently. "Is this enough proof?" You asked, the blush getting darker. " Yep. " He replied, a smile creeping up on his face. "So, since we feel the same way, does this mean we can, uh.. you know.. date?" You asked as nonchalantly as you could, playing with your fingers. "Obviously, what are you, dumb?" He retorted, his voice still filled with sheer softness. You smiled brightly, and interlocked your fingers with his. "Well, since we've got that out of the way, shall we go study?" You asked Katsuki, strolling home with him, hand in hand. "Sure." He replied, nuzzling your ears once more.

The End! ❤

I know this is garbage, don't attack me pls /)-(\


A yellow haired boy watched you and the hot-head walk out of the school gates. "Man, this is so unfair! Bakugo gets chicks, while we get none?!" Kaminari whined, crossing his arms. "Whatever dude, cheer up." Kirishima patted Kaminari rather sympathetically , smiling softly. "Well, Y/N is really hot, i'd see why Bakugo chose her. With a rack like that, any guy would-ACK!" Mineta said with a rather droolly expression before being whacked on the forehead.

❤Psst, my Summer one shot is currently being edited, but the original is still up, read it while you can! 6/7/19❤

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