💔(You stupid wench.) Uninterested!Bakugo X Annoying!Quirkless!Reader

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this is a short angst, I'll make something longer in the coming future, love yall!❤

Strong, Arrogant, Quick, Cold, and Ruthless.

Those were the only words that came to mind whenever you thought of.. him. However, you couldn't help falling for him. And oh boy.. you fell hard. ( "Welcome to the underground! How was the fall?" lmao i'll stop)

 You had thought of telling him about how you felt when it came to him. How much you swooned for him during the Sports Festival. 

 "That's corny," You thought, and put your feet atop your desk during class. "How did I even make it into UA? lmao I didn't do jack-shit during the entrance exams. I guess life's just boujee." You thought, wondering why the author didn't use logic.

Your eyes were gazing off at the clock, waiting for class to end. Lunch was going to start soon! 

You had grown a bit close with Katsuki, mainly because you befriended him through Kirishima. Everyday, you would pester Katsuki during lunch with memes and jokes to the point the poor boy couldn't help but get used to it.

The bell let out a loud shriek, signaling that class is over, and lunch is now in session. You clasped your hands together in excitement. "I get to talk to him now!" You thought.

You scurried of to the lunchroom, wondering how he had got there so fast. Unknowingly, your eyes scanned every face in the cafeteria, until you found his. 

(I'm changing POV's, this is getting so mf annoying)

Y/N strolled over to Bakugo's side, flashing a smile, her E/C colored hair covering her face a bit. 

Katsuki knew what was coming, but today, he wasn't having it.

He got up immediately and snatched you by your wrist harshly, pushing past everyone to make it outside the cafeteria. You simply let him drag you along, a dumb-founded expression on your face.

He finally found a private area, and pulled the both of you into it. Bakugo backed you into a corner, a new look of hatred spread among his face.

 "Look, it's pretty fucking obvious, I know you like me, damn creep. You think I don't notice the way you look at me?" He said sternly, tiny sparks flying out of his hands.

 "Just give it up, I don't like you and never will. You're just some annoying brat trying to force me into an unwanted relationship. You're just like that damn nerd Deku, always following me around." The hot-head stated once again, you just listened to everything that he said.

 Those words had hit you so hard, you couldn't even feel it. You couldn't even bring yourself to cry.

 "Besides, I despise people like you. I hate every single one of them."

 All you did was slump down against the wall as he smack-talked you.

 "Plus.." He leveled down to reach you. "You aren't my type, you stupid wench."

 "Oi.." You stood up slowly, your voice as stern and cold as the words he had spoken to you. 

 You didn't cry because.. a new found rage was residing in you. What Bakugo said was finally enough to make you snap.

 "Have you lost your fucking mind..?" You spoke, a shadow cast over your eyes. "You know what, you were right.. I am stupid.. for falling for some bastard who can't do something as simple as respect his own mother." You continued to speak, slowly stepping towards the blonde. 

"Someone as pathetic and arrogant as you doesn't deserve my time, money, effort, and love. I hate you, filthy ass bastard. Those villains should've kicked your ass and then put you up for sale on the Black Market, and I bet you wouldn't even be able to escape their clutches, the same way you couldn't escape when you got kidnapped the first time." A wide grin formed on your face, your fists clenched tightly.

Your terrifying expression soon fazed into a dorky one, you patting your forehead a bit."I follow the people I care about, but I guess my head did a little oopsy." You returned to your normal state quicker than you imagined, smiling awkwardly. 

The hot-head had never encountered someone who could switch up on him so quickly like that.. he was speechless. "Anyway, like you said, I'm just a stupid wench right? Just wait until the day I'll surpass you, I'll make your life a living hell!" You smiled softly , whispering to Bakugo before you made your way back to the lunchroom.

Katsuki's heart stopped. "Wait a minute.. am I really that bad? She.. lost interest? Damn it.." He thought, a small frown forming on his face. Honestly, he's had some feelings for you since the day you started talking to him. As troubling as it may be, keeping up a tough persona and confessing isn't easy.

Katsuki was supposed to tell her how he felt, not some lie he made up on the spot to cover up for how much he loved her. 

But now, the girl he loved the most slipped right out of his hands, and there was nothing he could do about it.

sooooooo, how did you like this story? I know it was pretty bad, don't @ me pls😳

I'll always be taking requests for new stories or Part 2's. I love you all, stay safe, and goodnight!❤

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