Chapter 25: I'm all alone now

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Dean hasn't come back home yet and it was already 2 in the morning. i wqas staryting to think the worst and i needed to figure out how i was gonna tell him that i know what he has been up to these past couple of months. I really need to do this now before i regret anything. We have been in L.A these past few days staying at my place but i know once i tell him to leave he will head back to Vegas. I really didn't care if he would since he should be ashemaed at what he was gonna do to me or should i say has been doing to me. 

All day i was figuring out where i would live from now on since he would probably come back and look for me and try to work things out. i need this to happen now and not later since i know he won't be bale to stay away that long. This new home will hade to be where he wouldn't find me and notice that i was carring his child. He may be the love of my life because i feel it inside me but to many lies have contibutr into our marriage and relationship that this can't be anymore. I need to disappear for a while and be low key. My baby and i will be fine since i have enough to provide for us and keep us in a good economic staus.

I hear a door open and i see Dean comign through the door and he seemed really out of it. He wasn't drunk but somehting was bothering him.

"Hey where have you been.' I asked calming as i could.

"That's none of your business." He said.

"well sorry for worring that my husband didn't bother to call and say that he's okay and that i shuldn't worry." I said angrily.

"Just stay out of my business and leave me alone." he looking me striaght in the arnger all ove his face.

"So why don't you tell me how long have you been working with my brothers the," I shot back knowing this was the moment i need to make my plan work.

" what are you talking about. I told you that ended a long time ago whern i chose you."He said.

"Oh really doesn't seem like it. I saw the text the day you first came over to my place and all. It said exactly what you were gonna do the first time. You have been lying to me all this time and now that you been acting like this these past couple of months wellk i figured its them that are pressuring you." I said.

"You got it all wrong. you know i would never hurt you. I have not been working for them in a long time. You have to trust me when i say i'm not becasue i do love you. 'He sadi tring to hug me.

"Your lying. i know that you are. i've seen the text you have recieved when your asleep. I've seen them all, heck i've seenyou talk to them at the arena when you excuse yourself from the team. You are nothing but a lier and you wanna know something. This is gonna hurt youmore than it is to me.' I said hoping it will work.

"Please believe me i'mnot hurting you or going behind your back. I do love you and i want your happinerss more than anything." He said.

"Yeah right. Your nothing but a fake but so have i. You wanna know why i married you int he first place was so that i could get to this very point. I knew you were just using me to hurt me and get me to kill myself but it's not gonna work. You see i married you just so i can break you dwon just like right now. You wanted to make me feel stupid and patheic buts gonna be you and only you. I have been planning this when i found out. I may have told you before and i even confessedit to you back then the first time but it changed the minute i found out. Marrying was just so i could know what would it take to break the all might Dean Ambrose."  said.

"You son't mean that. i know you have feelingd for me just like i do for you. We got married out of love and lies but when i say i love you i mean it." He said.

"so you just admitted we got married out of lies now didn't we. I knew you were lying." I said.

"Fine i have and i reallydidn't want to do it but i had no choice. I was forced just like your best friend or ex best friend. I never mesnt for it to got his far  but i do love you anfd i married you just so you would have someone to keep you safe. I did it out of love and i refuse to lose you. Your my eveything now and i want us to be together. I know i did wrong but please believe me when i say i didn;t want his to happen. "He said.

"It's too late. You got caught and i never want to see you again. I want the divorce and i never ever want us to be near each other agin. you rwally did the biggest mistake of your life and i thought i could get past it but i can't.You knew how i felt about them and now thati find out i can't stand to see you. The man i loved betrayed me and i can never forgive you for that. I want you to pack your things and leave tonight. i don't care thats its late just leave and never come back. This whole marriage is a fake and i don;t wanna be married to you anymore. And you can take your ring back." I said removing it from my finger.

"Don't do this. I really didn;t want to do this please baby don't.I need you ,your the only one i can counton now. You made me a better man and can't bare to lose you. Your my only positive light and i can't lose the only good thing i have ever gotten in life." He said kneeling on his knees in front of me.

"Just go anfd stop making this harder than it is. We are over and that's that." I said. 

"I will win you back and i will make up for my mkistakes becausde i know you love me and will forgive me just like did to you the first time. I'll leave and give you time to think but i hope you do the same."He ssid.

"I've thought this through long and hard and i'm firm with my decision. Just leave now."I said almost crying now.

"I'll be back and this ring will be back on that finger of yours becasue your are mine and nobody elses. We've been through so much and i can't let that slip out of my hands. Just know that i do love you and i will prove it to you."He said. 

I saw him pack his things and go down the stairs. This was the hardest thing i had to do because deep down it did hurt me to but it's done now. The love of my life is gone and i couldn't bare this any longer i let the tears i was holding come out. I hope i did the right thing now. He sdoesn't even know i'm pregnant but he doesn't need to know. I need to keep this from him and eveeryone else.  I am now alone and i need to get out of this house tomorrow morning before he comes back beggin for me to take him back. This baby and i are only have each other and this is all i need . I will have my happiness and this is the only thing i need to keep me happy now. Goodbye Dean and hello my new life again.

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