Chapter 62: Contract signing

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Dean's pov 

I had arrived at the arena pretty early. I needed to talk to Hunter. I had left Josh asleep by Elaine. He was taking his nap and i assume he would wake up anytime. I just hope Elaine wakes up since she looked like she was in a deep sleep.

As i reach Hunter's office i hear a conversation between him and Seth.

"You have to make sure you takeout Ambrose tonight. i don;t want him coming back here. He and his wife are bad for business. They both need to be taken out for good."He said.

"Look Hunter i get they are reckless and all but they are like family to me. I can't hurt them like that. I know Elaine isn't as sane as she use to be but she deseves to prove that she's oaky. dean ont he other hand as proven himself over the weeks and us feuding right now still what's best for business."Seth said.

"Don't take this personally but you have to understand that now that that pyscho Ben is gone there is no need to have them here anymore. The only reason i out up with them for so long was so they could get ride of Ben for me. I knew there histosry before they ever came here. I just used them as a tool to just destory the in the process. I knwo it sounds bad but would you have let some crazy family enter your company and ruin everything by putting your show  at risk about there problems."He said.

"No but they are good wreslter. I will not let you bring them down just because of mistakes that have happened."Seth said.

"You have no choice. You either make sure Ambrose loses tonight or your the one whose fired."Hunter said.

"Well i'm willing to take that risk if it means from hurting my family."Seth said.

"I got a better idea. Why don't we make this match a mixed tag team match. Randy, Kane and I against you, dean and Elaine."He said.

"Why would you put Elaine in this maytch.You know she's not mentally stable to wreslte right now." Seth said.

"well she has no choice now. I'm sure she'll acceopt the fact that she gets to comebacka little faster than intended. I mean she did look mad last night when we asked to leave and not come back. plus she's been in the ring with Superstars before so this shouldn;t be a problem."He said.

"You can't do that. I'll face Dean tonight if it means keeping Elaine out of this."Seth said.

"Now that's what i like to hear. You will make sure Dean loses tonight or your fired."Hunter said.

I had heard enough and i entered the room.

"So this is what your planning. To get ride of us. I thought we had an understanding about all this. You make sure Elaine keeps her job while i refuse to go after the world heavy weight championship belt." I said.

"Ambrose you may have made a good deal but the deals off. You two are not highly liked backstage right now and even though you guys have may fans still especially you but i'm doing what's right for business."Hunter said.

"Well tonight i'll prove to you why i think My wife still deserves her job and why i will make sure i get a title shot." I said.

"Just careful what you ask for.Tonight could be the last time you step in that ring."Hunter said.

I left right after that. Hunter has been using Elaine all this time and never cared about her wreslting past. He just wanted to use her to take out Ben. Well tonight he will be regretting ever threatning to get ride of us.

4 Hours later. 

Raw had just started and i was gonna go out ther and do a promo. I neede to make tonights match interesting and prove myself to everyone.

Breaking out of the shadows (Dean Ambrose Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant