Chapter 106: Weeks away from Royal Rumble

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Last night was a great night. Dean and i had a blast with everyone who was at the club. As dean had promised he was on his best behavior and i guess ithad to do with the guys keeping him company while the girls and i did our own thing on at the club. When we had gotten home i thought Dean would make a move on me but he didn't. I was in shock but i guess he respected me and took my tone serious. The weird thing was thta i didn't remembr anything else. And i don't think i was drunk or was i?

"Hey Elaine do you remember anything last night?"Dean asked

"Not really besides the matches and that's it."I said.

"Well let's just say you were all over me.'He said smiling.

"Don;t tell me we..

"Yeah we did. And it was amazing. Babe don't be ashamed, you were just in the ,moment like i was. Plus you were really drunk and i was sort of sober when we did  it."He said.

"Why didn ;t you stop me. I mean i know you wanted it but i ...

"Calm down. We didn;t do it long. You fell asleep rather quickly. We just made out a little before we went that far. We just went at it for like 3 mintues or so. Don;t worry nothing will happen."He said.

"Either way i can't risk a pregnancy right now. Dean we need to be careful.Just be honest with me do you want to have another kid now?We already have three who are still young."I asked.

"To be honest yes and no."He said.

"Why do you mean yes and no?'I asked confused.

"Well i do want another kid just like you do but i only want to have another kid now so you would retire."He said whipsering the last part and looking down at the floor.

"So you do want me to retire already.'I asked lifting his head up.

"Yes.I want you to be safe and enjoy the kids grow up like you always talked about.But i understand you want to continue your career so..

I just kissed him reassuring him that i understand his point of view. We continue to make out until we hear a knock on the door. we just ignore it and continue kissing.

Whoever was at the door left and we just lead one thing to another.

 "So just for the record we only did this because well i don;t even know nw.'I siad.

"It's fine.I get why you did We both love each other so much but we need to conrtol our urges. i'll respect what you want but if i can make a compromise out of it.'He asked.

"I'll make you a deal. We can go at it every few weeks. We just nee to be careful.So since we already did it twice then we can go at it in a few weeks."i siad.

"I can agree to that. I won;t push you to it.'He said kissing my cheek.

"I love you and i love it when you respect me.'I said.

"I would do anything to make you happy.'He said.

Today was smackdown taping so we headed to the arena.

When we got to the arena a crew member came up to us and told us thta the authority wanted to see us. We make our way to there office.We knock on there door and someone tells us we can go in.

"So what do we owe to this meeting?"I asked.

"Well since you both won the tag team titles last night we decided to make this storyline of your a little more intresting."Steph said,

"What's the idea."Dean asked.

"well we were thinking that we add someone else into the storyline."Hunter said.

"So who would be joining us in the storyline."I said.

"we were thinking of Ryan  and Bunny.Yoiu =guys seem to really have good chemistry when it comes to facing each other off in the ring."Hunter said.

"we do have good chemistry since were like a family."I said smilong.

"we know so we talked to them before you guys got here so and they said they would make up there minds once you guys made yours."Steph siad.

I looked at Dean and we both gave them the yes nod.

"So this storyline will start off next week.we are still working on these scripts but this is a draft so far."Steph said.

"Well thank you for another opportunity.'I said.

"Also those titles will be defended at the royal rumble as well."Hunter said.

"Great i guess i'm now looking forward to royal rumble now."I said.

We head out of there office and head to our lockeroom.We put our scripts on the table and i face Dean.

"So do you think this storyline is a good idea.I mean Bunny and i have been getting good oushes lately."I siad.

"Yeah you two have worked hard for this. Since you started you two wanted to work together no matter if you guys were faces or heels or opposites."Hesiad.

"True i guess this is the best i can ask for.My best friend and i fighting over these two titles."I said.

"Yeah and i know you guys are going to bring the house down.'He siad.

 "Yeah we are and now let's get ready to for ur matches later tonight."I siad.

We were in the gorilla positionwaiting for our music to hit.We were going agaist Tyson Kidd and Nattie. When our music hit we made our way down tot he ring. Nattie and Ty were already there.

Nattie and i started off the match and we then taged in our husbands to finish off the match. tyson had Dean in the sharpshooter and i went into the ring to break it up, Nattie came in and attacked me. I then attacked her and pushed her  out of the ring.

Dean then put tyson in dirty deeds and we won the match. The refee raised our hands and we headed backstage.

"That was fun."Isiad.

'Yeah i mean we have faced ever couple on the roster and thye havent even beat us once."He said.

"True., I guess were just that good.'I said giggling.

'Yeah and that giggle was cute.'He said.

"Thanks i dont do it often."I said.

"well its cute and it suits you."He said.

"Well mr.Ambrose why don;t we grab our things and head back home.I really miss the kids."I said.

'Anyhting for my lady."He said. 

We went to our lockeroom and grabbed our things.We then drove out of the arena and to the airport. 

I have been having a great week so far and even though i didn't doa  promo about my wins it's all good.i just need to build up the tension with my friends to make these storyline epic.this is really a good turn in my life.And the royal rumble will be one of my best nights to come.

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