Chapter 97: A past revealed

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Today was the day i would get the kids. Dean had texted me earlier saying we should meet at the airport since we were gonna fly out to vegas i assume.

I grabbed all mybags and checked out of the hotel. I grabbed a cab and headed to the airport.

Once  i got to the airport i spotted three kids with a man next to them.I knew who they were and i ran up to them.

Josh saw me and he came runnign to me too. I held out my hands to him and spinned him around the mintue he was in my arms.

"I missed you so much mommy.'He said.

"I misseed you too baby boy."I saids crying.

"Are you sad mommy."He asked.

'No mommy is just happy to see you again."i said.

"Oh. I wanna show you the people who watched over us.Daddy said we were away because you didn't want us to be in danger."He said.

"Something like that.You really learned to speak perfectly."I said.

"Celia, and Mateo helped me everyday."He said.

"Wait who did you say watched you three?''I asked confused.

"Babe i'm glad your here.I wanted to introduce you too..Celia,and Mateo i said cutting off Dean.

"It's been a long time Elane."Celia said.

"I can't believe it."I said hugging them both.

"Are little girl is all grown up, and married with kids."Mateo said.

"Yes but how is it possible?"I said.

"Jello tracked them down and got permission from the agency to locate them.It took some time but he found them.We of course interigated them firs andall that and thye were a perfect match.''He said.

"The last thing i ever knew from you was when i read a little abck at the  old home."I said.

"We know dear but we still can't see you or stay long."Celia said  sadly.

"Why?"I asked.

"Dear were still under the witness protection program.Were in hiding because we witnessed something that we will never forget.'Celia said.

"Does it have to do with what the letter said."I say.

'Yes and well from the info we gave you you can guess who we saw.'Mateo said.

"But why would he have gone back for."I asked.

"To end us."Mateo said.

"Elaine you need to know the truth about Ben."Celia said.

"I think i already know the truth about him.'I said.

"There is one thing the police don;t have in his records."Celia siad.

"Do you think she should know."Mateo askes Celia.

"She has to know."She responds back.

"Can we go somewhere were we don't attract too much attention and the kids can play." Mateo says.

'Yeah we should."I said grabbing my bags and Josh. 

Dean grabs one of the twins and Mateo the other. Celia wlaks next to me and we go to the quad of the airport.

"Okay so what do i need to know."i said.

"ben is our son."celia said.

"Your kidding right.This can;t be true."i said laughing.

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