Chapter 69: More punishment

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Ever since last night the WWE universe has been exploding all over the internet. I was so exicted and happy that i still have my fans. I never thought i would have this much support from everyone. I look looked through out the WWE website and i noticed that Dean was schedulto be in a 4 on 1 hadicap match. It didn't say who his opponets were but i hade a feeling it wasn't gonna be a goodnight tonight.

"So on the wwe website it show your going against 4 people but it doesn';rsay who."I tell Dean as he comes out of the bathroom.

"Well if i'm right the authority will do anything to punish me for our actions last night."He said.

"I'm really sorry baby. I didn't mean for this to happen.said,

"I know but we know that as long as your pregnant they can't hurt you. they will be sending you a message ever noght that i'll have to bare all the pain for you. Thye will n ot harm you nor will  they risk you losing  the baby inside you."He said rubbing my stomach .

"I know but i feel this ia all my fault. We should have been more careful."I said.

"This should be a mistake we made. We didn;t know you would get pregnant just like that. The first time we did it you were automatically pregnat. It took a while to have make Josh but look at us now. were about to have a new child in about 8 months and we should embracde that were having our children now."He said.

"It is weird i got pregnant quickly this time around but at the wrong moment. My wrestling career will just ahve to end permantley. I can;t keep going back and forth with this whole situation. You were right and i should just settledown and form the family we always wanted."I said.

"Babe you can still wrestle no matter what. A child shouldn;t stop you. We can bring them on the road with us and travel as a family.bWhen thye have tot start school and all then you can settledown. I'm not gonnna take it away from you because i see in your eyes hpw much it means to you."He said.

"It does but if we want a family then we should start now while were still young. I don;t wanna be too old to ahve my kids. I won;t have all the energy i have now and neither would you. We should just start now and say goodbye to my wrestling for good."I said. 

"You won't. That ring will always wait for you and no one will take it away.'He said.

"I think its best we get to the arena. You need to get into you mode and i need to face the fact that i won;t wrelte within the next year."I said.

He grabbed his bags and mine nd i grab Josh. we checked out of the hotel and headed tot he arena.

When we got there. we were mobbed by fans. Thye were cheering us on and we eve took a few pic and autographed somethings before we went inside.

"Well look who cameout tonught. The wannabe power couple."

"Why do you continue to make our lives hell."I asked ben.

"Oh little sister just wait and see what will happen tonight and then you will understand why."He said walking away.

"Come on let's get you three into a safe place. " Dean said.

"The three of us?"I asked him.

"Yes, you, Josha nd the babyu inside you silly."He said.

"Right. I guess imma have to get used to you saying us three and with you all four of us."I said chuckling.

"Yes and we will be a very happy family."he said.

When we reached the lockeroom we had put out bags down and i let Josh take pout his toys to play with.

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